Planetary Illuminations for March 2012

Planetary Illuminations for March 2012 March 1, 2012

planetary forecast March 2012I’ve completed the Planetary Illuminations report for the first two half of March and will be posting the entire article to my website soon.  If you’re on my mailing list (you can sign up in the sidebar) you’ll also receive a translation of the report into regular English that’s easy to understand!

Meanwhile, here is the introduction and the report for the first few days so that you can be prepared.

March begins with Saturn still stationary at the 29th degree.  Saturn, planet of responsibility and life lessons, has been at a virtual standstill since the end of December and Mars, planet of action and assertion has been traveling retrograde since the third week of January.  Saturn is known for causing delays and disappointments, and Mars retrograde periods are for re-evaluating and re-assessing before taking action.  So a combination of these two can make it very difficult to begin anything new without a series of what appear to be false starts.  In actuality, these periods of rest and reassessment are crucial for success, so this has been the perfect time for planning and visualizing.

Jupiter is in a trine to Pluto which culminates on March 13th but the effect of which lasts throughout the entire month.  In this powerful alignment of the planet of ideology and good fortune (Jupiter) and the planet of focused strength (Pluto) there is the potential for powerful work towards the betterment of yourself and those around you.  On a personal level this aspect can help us to transform our lives and the community around us; on a global level it can facilitate understanding and an acceptance of other viewpoints.  Mars will begin to move into this trine, creating a Grand Trine which is an exceptionally strong harmonious aspect that facilitates ease and stability, especially in the Earth signs as we have here.  Harnessing Mars into the Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto adds a dynamic influence for change and transformation.

Uranus and Pluto are moving into the challenging square formation that will continue to break apart nations and individuals who have no natural means of remaining connected.  This aspect began last year when it came within a degree of exactitude and it will peak this summer.

Still, in March there are no outer planet alignments which trigger major conflict and change, continuing the trend we’ve seen over the past six months or so.  This is the last month we will have such a rest so use it well!


On March 2nd Mercury (communication and learning) leaves the mutable sign of Pisces for energetic Aries.  Where Pisces seeks to keep the peace, In Aries Mercury is in rather a hurry to make its ideas known and accepted by others.  The increasing fiery nature of communication and interaction increases on the 3rd when for a day or two the Sun opposes Mars and releases any aggression which has been hidden or contained.

Venus (relationships) opposes Saturn (restriction) on the 4th.  This can be somewhat problematic for interactions with others and can create a sense of loneliness and isolation, especially since Venus is finishing its tour through Aries where it is more outgoing and dynamic.  Alternatively, we can use this short period to spend a day or two turning inwards and discovering the richness of solitude.

Venus enters Taurus the following day and enhances stability in relationships and encourages us to enhance our lives with beauty and comfort.  However, Mercury (mind) conjoins Uranus  (radical surprise) the same day which is excellent for writing and downloading new ideas or doing work that involves technology, but also suggests the potential for arguments and radical ideas. But with Venus moving into a harmonious sextile with Neptune (spirituality, creativity) the following day, this is generally a wonderful few days to bring new energy into our lives in a variety of ways:  by surrounding ourselves with beauty (Venus), through spiritual activity and learning (Neptune), through inspiration and intuition (Mercury/Uranus).


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