Planetary Illuminations for September (Lynn’s Skywatch) are posted

Planetary Illuminations for September (Lynn’s Skywatch) are posted September 1, 2013

zodiac clockYou can read the entire article here if you like, and if you are on my mailing list you will receive a translation of the monthly planetary events into simple to understand language.  (If you’re not on my mailing list yet, please sign up in the sidebar).

Meanwhile, here’s an introduction to get you started for the month of September.

The Grand Trine in water that began earlier in the summer is still in effect as it will be throughout the year, although it will continue to weaken in strength.  This Grand Trine was part of a Grand Sextile formation that dominated the planetary news in August and is waning now, but the harmonious sextile between Saturn and Chiron will continue to tighten as we move towards the next exact square of Uranus to Pluto in November which will help to facilitate our ability to release and let go as the energy continues to shift and realign our lives.  Uranus and Pluto are just three degrees from an exact square (90 degree) alignment, so the force for letting go and rebuilding is certainly still powerful and will continue to build in force over the next couple of months.

Pluto has slowed down to a virtual standstill as it prepares to change direction on September 20th after being in retrograde motion since April of this year.  Pluto travels retrograde for half the year and like all planets, before it changes direction its motion slows to a crawl just as a car does when it is preparing to make a U-turn.  When a planet is standing still, or “making a station” as we call it, its influence becomes more intense as it beams a laser of energy in our direction.  This is more profound if the planet is engaged with our chart in some way, but there is a noticeable general effect.  Pluto is the planet of intensity itself – it can be obsessive and relentless in its drive to uncover the Truth and secrets are often revealed when its influence is strong.

Meanwhile the element of air is under-represented and we are living more from our emotions and intuition (the water element).  Since air is the element that provides objectivity and the ability to utilize reason, while this is a good time to sharpen your intuition and access your feelings, it may be more difficult to see your world from a rational perspective.

September details

The Sun harmonizes with Pluto on the 1st of the month, a transformational day in which we can harness the power of the soul to manifest in the outer world.  However, the Sun is moving into position to oppose Chiron on the 3rd which could bring up self-doubts and wounds (Chiron) to the ego (Sun) so that they can be released.  Both of these planetary interactions are a part of the Virgo New Moon on September 5th. (Stay tuned for more details on the New Moon in this column, and continue reading the Illuminations here.

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