Pluto in Capricorn – can Google conquer death?

Pluto in Capricorn – can Google conquer death? May 16, 2014

Google's anti-death projectBefore Pluto’s discovery bestowed on him the title of the Lord of Death, that role was occupied by the planet Saturn.  Pluto’s role in the concept of death has to do with the surrender of life as we know it and the regeneration of something else in its place.  Saturn forces us to deal with the difficult questions and the hard aspects of life, reminding us that life is short and that death is at the door.

Saturn is the ruler of the sign Capricorn, and since 2008 Pluto has been traveling through Capricorn and will continue to do so until 2023 when it will move into Aquarius.  Pluto in Capricorn initiated the financial contraction that brought about the Great Recession of the past few years (read more about Pluto in Capricorn here).

Pluto tends to create transformation in the areas of life governed by the sign it travels in, so Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has already begun to transform the way we handle the fact of death in our world.  Because it is Capricorn, an earth sign of practicality and governance of the material world, it is the very fact of death itself that is undergoing a transformation.

Under Pluto in Capricorn we have seen the idea of zombies and vampires take hold in the popular imagination – creatures that straddle the line between life and death.

Now Google has launched a company called Calico dedicated to research into the causes of aging and ways in which the human lifespan can be extended in an effort to “solve death.”  As an astrologer this is interesting because Pluto will leave Capricorn for the technology sign Aquarius in 2023, and by then technology and human existence will be inextricably interwoven.  We have long wondered how exactly that would take place, and this is certainly one big step towards that end.

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