Skywatch is posted, and Gemini New Moon

Skywatch is posted, and Gemini New Moon June 1, 2011

I am having technical issues and for some reason right now Skywatch is only visible for me in Firefox, I can’t see it in Chrome or Internet Explorer.  If you can see it you’ll find it here.

In any case, here’s the introduction which includes the description of tonight’s New Moon:

The month of June begins with a bang and a New Moon in Gemini. This is also a solar eclipse because the lunar nodes are within 15 degrees of the Sun and Moon, but just barely – they are actually 12 degrees apart. So as eclipses go this is a pretty weak one and not likely to stir up too much trouble. This eclipse is the first of a series of three, and you can read more about the eclipse series here.

Three planets change direction this month: Neptune will turn retrograde on June 3rd, Chiron will turn retrograde on the 8th, and Saturn will turn direct on the 12th. (Planets don’t actually change direction of course, but as we observe their motion through the sky they will sometimes appear to move backwards and we call that “retrograde”. When they move forward again we call that “direct.”) As a planet is getting ready to change direction its motion slows down to a crawl, just as a car does when it is preparing to make a U-turn. At that time its influence is stronger than ever as the energy of that planet beams down with its full force and this is especially true of the outer planets which are transformational forces. With three planets changing direction this month we will almost certainly feel like the sands are shifting; that we are being realigned for a new direction.

Neptune is at a virtual standstill now, so the creativity and imagination of Neptune, which is now in Pisces, is more powerful than ever. Neptune isn’t all peace and love however – there is also a tendency for delusion and illusion to occur under the Neptunian longing for transcendence if that longing is not activated in a way that is for the highest good.
New Moons are always times of new beginnings, and the Gemini New Moon brings us a fresh new start in all matters of learning and communication. If you’ve been wanting to start writing a book, or take an online class, or begin a journal, this is the time to start it. There is a nice comfortable trine from the New Moon to Saturn that helps to bestow a layer of discipline and structure to our lives so that we can organize effectively, something that’s not always so easy with Gemini energy.

Gemini is the shapeshifter – it’s mutable and changeable and seeks a multitude of experiences in order to learn more about the way the world works. This is not a time to try to control your world, but instead to see how the flow of life’s experiences takes us into new worlds of learning and wisdom. A strong square to Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing, at the New Moon suggests that we may encounter some painful memories or blocks as we relax and unwind to permit these new experiences to affect us. This is a positive thing as it helps us to release any stored emotion from past wounds. The stationary Neptune in the chart of the New Moon enhances the fluidity of our experience now, urging us to seek the truth within from our spiritual selves as well as through the mental understanding of Mercury.

The Geminian experience continues on June 2nd as Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, enters its own sign Gemini where it will remain for a couple of weeks. This is a double whammy of Mercury/Gemini which will speed up the mind and mental processes and facilitate learning, but this mercurial energy is less supportive of experiences that require focus and determination. Fortunately Mars, the planet that drives and inspires us to action, is still in Taurus where it is powerful and stable, helping us to stay grounded while we move through this period of acceleration.

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