The mysterious case of Societe Generale

The mysterious case of Societe Generale February 2, 2008

Last week the #2 bank in France, Societe Generale, was brought to its symbolic knees after 31 year old trader Jerome Kievel caused a $7 billion dollar loss to the bank by setting up false accounts and transferring over $73 billion dollars in funds. Now the larger banks are circling, smelling blood. Kievel evidently pocketed nothing from these huge transfers of funds, which is even more peculiar.

One of the fears of conspiracy theorists is that a few central banks, and therefore a few “shadowy elite” characters, will control the global economy. Nothing spells Pluto in Capricorn more than a breakdown in the banking system, and the timing of this bank scandal just as Pluto enters Cap for the first time is extremely synchronistic.

Pluto also has a tendency to bring out secrets, and the laxity of oversight in the banking industry is beginning to generate some fear in the French populace and put the bank’s liquidity at risk. Kievel has suggested that there is no way he could have conducted such large scale trading without the bank having been aware of it, but as long as he was making money for the bank they turned a blind eye. This has rattled the nerves of all concerned

And so it begins! The journey of Pluto through the Capricornian world.

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