The roots of Easter in pre-Christian paganism

The roots of Easter in pre-Christian paganism April 21, 2011

Easter Week continues at Astrological Musings!

Here is an interesting video detailing the pagan sources of the roots of the Christian Easter celebration.

This will be a controversial video for Christians, so please proceed at your own risk. There is a factual inaccuracy in the video in that its author, Acharya S, states that Easter means Pessach in Hebrew but I believe that this is incorrect. Pessach is the Hebrew name for the ancient Hebrew celebration of freedom after a long period of bondage in Egypt. Unlike the Christian holidays, which are rooted in pagan celebrations of the movement of the Sun and the Moon in an apparent path around the earth, Jewish holidays celebrate historical events. The Jewish calendar is a lunar one, so there is some connection to the soli-lunar path, but it is an accidental one.

She also claims that there is no historical basis in fact for the existence of Jesus, a subject of much debate that is better left to another time and place.

In any case, please enjoy the video!

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