This is not financial advice

This is not financial advice May 13, 2010

But if it were, I would advise against getting caught up in the current euphoria on Wall Street.  After last year’s 1000 point tumble, stocks were way up yesterday in a big tech rally, and gold hit a new record.  Relief over the bailout plans in Europe and austerity measures in Greece and Portugal stimulated strong optimism yesterday.

Today there appears to be more anxiety, and these gyrations will continue over the next few weeks.

Jupiter and Uranus are nearing their conjunction, and with the planet of optimism and confidence (Jupiter) working closely with the planet of surprise and sudden change (Uranus), this is not a stable time for the financial markets.  Neptune is stationary this month and obscuring our clear vision, and when it turns retrograde at the end of the month it will be more difficult to see our way out of a muddy situation.  Saturn is also stationary, and Saturn’s penchant for rude awakenings could make a sudden end to a very pleasant dream.

If I was giving advice, which I’m not, I would suggest holding on to stocks until after the euphoria subsides in June and then sell before the  Saturn/Pluto cycle begins to realign later in the summer and pops the euphoric bubble.

That is my plan, anyway.

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