Where the heck have I been, and other musings

Where the heck have I been, and other musings March 16, 2014

saturnA cardinal rule of blogging is to avoid apologizing when posts are few and far between.  But many of you have been with me since I began this blog in 2005, and I apologize for having abandoned those of you who rely on the wisdom of the planets to navigate a world that can often seem chaotic.  I know that this wisdom can be found elsewhere, but I frankly like being a mouthpiece for the planets and enjoy the camaraderie that my readership offers both myself and other seekers along the path.

I have never had a period like the past two weeks where I have been literally unable to write a word.  All of this happened as Saturn turned retrograde in an exact square to my third house Pluto.  Some of you will know that the third house deals with writing and communication, and with my natal Pluto (and Moon) there I not only need (Moon) to communicate, but that need can be pretty compulsive (Pluto) sometimes.  Hence the nearly daily posts over the past eight plus years!  But over the past few weeks I have felt that Saturn contraction like a heavy weight, keeping me from being able to write or communicate.

The past twelve months have been intense, and a part of me is spiritually exhausted.   I believe that in shutting the door to my writing Saturn also required that I spend some time walking my talk and releasing some of the stuck energy that I accumulated during these rough times.  Being Saturn, this involved routine and daily practice: exercise, yoga, meditation – turning within to examine my own role in the challenges that like everyone I face on a daily basis.

I’m starting to feel as though a window is opening and I will soon be able to write again.  I may catch up on the Planetary Illuminations for March, but I make no promises.  At the very least though we will be talking about the Grand Cross and other intense and exciting events coming in April.

I suspect that I am not the only one going through these processes.  Please share your stories and inspiration in the comments!

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