Words of wisdom from Barbara Hand Clow

Words of wisdom from Barbara Hand Clow June 17, 2009

Barbara Hand Clow was one of the first astrologers to identify the wounding and healing process of Chiron that I work with in my own practice, and I owe her and her excellent work a great deal.  She is doing some groundbreaking work now that some may find a bit out there, but I suspect in a few years we’ll see that she was right all along, just as she was 30 years ago.

Here’s an excerpt from something she wrote about the Chiron/Neptune conjunction that we’re in the middle of right now.  You can read more about it on her site.

We astrologers talk on and on about Neptune as a guide for connecting with spirit worlds. It has become a cliché, and most people just don’t think about what that means. So, I will attempt to find other words to describe Neptune’s influence. Most of the time, we are separated out from all-that-is, the timeless energy fields of our cosmic bodies. We are caught in time and place, and then once in awhile we experience a breakthrough into all-that-is-a peak experience. When this happens, the boundaries around our separated selves melt, and we experience “oneness” or enlightenment. Children frequently exist in oneness-especially infants-but then painful experiences cause them to close up and separate from divine consciousness. While we are alive, Chiron’s transits-usually by conjunction, square, and opposition-erode the boundaries of the separated self by means of piercing stabs into deep inner wounds. When these wounds occurred in this life or past lives, we erected boundaries around the wounds, yet the very energy that could reconnect us with spirit-Neptune-is locked out. So, Chiron and Neptune working together can erode these boundaries that block cosmic fusion. In other words, accessing pain sometimes opens spiritual connection, and this is what we resist the most.

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