The Sufficiency of Scripture & Homosexuality

The Sufficiency of Scripture & Homosexuality November 12, 2016

suff-homoThe influx of acceptance for the practice of homosexual marriage and lifestyle is the most direct and potent attack on the sufficiency of Scripture today. Every month more “Evangelical” pastors, teachers, leaders, and bloggers publically confess their change of mind regarding today’s moral revolution.

Most Bible-believing Christians who hold the historical and biblical view of sexuality and marriage are labeled bigots and haters. These labels persuade many in the church to change their stance, and not always for bad motives. Many people in the church, correctly, want to love their neighbor well, regardless of race, religion, sexuality or political views. The problem with the changing tides of Evangelical conviction is not the motive to love people, rather it’s the confusion of what is loving.

Simply put, the most loving thing for Christians to do, is to LOVINGLY and GENEROUSLY tell people what God has said and the salvation that is found in no one but Jesus Christ. When the church allows culture to dictate what is loving and what is not, it necessarily throws the sufficiency of Scripture to the side, which results in the placing of culture as the norm to compare all norms.


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