About this blog:
I first started this blog because I write everything down. This is a Catholic blog, true, but it’s neither a ministry nor an apostolate.
I started BadCatholic sometime in 2010.
Commenting Rules:
Everything is allowed. Just don’t be an ass.
The BadCatholic Drinking Game
Take a drink:
– When a post can be summed up using a Chesterton quote
– When you can identify the author he’s been reading
– When someone comments thinking Marc’s arguing the exact opposite point
– When someone comments expressing disappointment over crude language in the post
– When a comment thread is longer than 20 comments
– Make a White Russian when a post is later commented on by the Friendly Atheist. Two if he quotes a paragraph out of context.
– Shot for everyone who comments that the Catholic Church hates women/gays/Jews/little boys/fun. Extra shot if you’re confident they only read the title of the post. Another if you’re confident they’ve only read the title of the blog. (“Bad Catholic? I hate Catholics! Uhhh sex abuse! Sith Lords!”)
– Double drink for double parenthesis (triple drink for triple parenthesis! (yahoo!))
– Bourbon sip every time he confuses “its” and “it’s” or “your” and “you’re”
– Every time he makes a snide comment demeaning the value of the Huffington Post and/or Planned Parenthood and/or Catholics for Choice
– Small, dignified sips of wine every time you catch passive voice being used by Marc lololol
– Chug a beer every time you get the sneaking suspicion that a blog post is a method of dealing with existential angst/Catholic guilt/complex justification of past sins
– THREE shots every time a homeschool mom asks Marc if he’s single and/or hints at the priesthood
– Shot of a drink that reminds you of college every time someone makes a remark about his age. Smirnoff Ice, anyone?
– And a final shot if you had no clue what he was talking about but commented anyway.
Happy drinking.