Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual September 14, 2016

Full Moon Ritual

full moon ritual
Full moon image licensed GraphicStock

You will need:

A cauldron (or dish with a dark inside) half filled with water

A small silver coin

Cast the circle:

Maiden cast this circle white

Free from shadow, pure and light

Mother cast this circle red

Cast any negativity from our head

Crone cast this circle black

Grant us the knowledge that we lack

This circle is now cast unbroken.

Calling the quarters:

I call to the East and the Element of Air, you who are mist and cloud, you who are fresh breeze and wild hurricane, Spirit of the Hawk, Spirit of the Sylph, hear me, bring into these rites purification and clarity, sweep through and remove stagnation.  Blessings and welcome!

I call to the South and the Element of fire, you who are the crackle of bonfires, you who are the golden sun and glowing lava, Spirit of the Phoenix, Spirit of the Flame Dancers, hear me, bring into these rites your spirit of creativity and passion. Blessings and welcome!

I call to the West and the Element of Water, you who are the undines of the rivers, and the sirens of the crashing ocean waves, you who are the Naiads of the Grottos, come to me.  Spirit of the Shark, hear me, bring to these rites your deepest intuition and truest emotions, teach me to be flexible, to adapt and flow, like your waters.  Blessings and welcome!

I call to the North and the Element of Earth, you who are bone and crystal, you who are tree and root and branch, Spirit of the Wolf, Spirit of the Gnome, I call upon you. Bring to these rites your spirit of prosperity, of stability and manifestation.  Blessings and welcome!

Invocation to Deity:

I call upon Yemaya, Goddess of the seas, join this rite today and bring with you feminine energy and healing. Blessings and welcome!

The full moon

The full moon is a powerful time; she carries with her magic to aid in immediate need, power boosts, courage, psychic protection and healing.  This moon phase can also bring urgently needed money, commitment, justice and ambition.

Sit quietly in front of your cauldron of water and drop a silver coin into the water, if you can position the cauldron so that the moonlight reflects into it even better.  You can gather the moon’s energy by skimming your hand just across the top of the water.

Say a chant to the Goddess and the full moon asking for enough money to cover your needs.  Visualise the goal.

Leave the water and the coin in the cauldron until the following day when you can tip the water into the earth.

Thanking the quarters:

Guardians to the Element of Earth, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Water, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Fire, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell.

Guardians to the Element of Air, I thank you for your presence in this rite, I bid you blessings and farewell.

Thanking Deity:

Goddess Yemaya I thank you for your presence in this rite, may your energy and healing stay with me.  Blessings and farewell.

Uncast the circle, walking widdershins:

This circle is open but never broken.


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