Guest: Stacy Swimp: Pastors Selling Out to the Homosexual Agenda

Guest: Stacy Swimp: Pastors Selling Out to the Homosexual Agenda November 20, 2014

Today we have a special treat for you. Minister Stacy Swimp is joining us to discuss Bishop Charles Ellis III of Greater Grace Temple in Detroit and Presiding Bishop of the Pentacostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) who has indeed caused the name of God to be blasphemed or cursed among unbelievers and, thus, should give sincere consideration to stepping down to pursue his secular goals which have become pre-eminent to preaching the gospel to Bishop Ellis.

Bio on Stacy Swimp

Meet Minister Stacy M. Swimp, a dynamic and inspirational national speaker and dedicated servant of our Republic. He is a born again Christian who believes that we must redeem the time and that “true Christians must rise again!”

Stacy is a Community Activist and Political Commentator

Stacy promotes free market solutions and advocates for labor freedom and school choice.

Stacy is an uncompromising advocate of the principles of individual freedom for all citizens, as it is outlined in the Constitution of the United States.

Stacy is driven by a firm belief in a moral, ethical, and spiritual representation of the individual that recognizes our Creator as the grantor of all human rights and equality.

Stacy believes in fostering personal responsibility and integrity in the pursuit of relationships and opportunities in American life.

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