January 19, 2013

What is “let-go-and-let-God” theology? It’s called Keswick theology, and it’s one of the most significant strands of second-blessing theology. It assumes that Christians experience two “blessings.” The first is getting “saved,” and the second is getting serious. The change is dramatic: from a defeated life to a victorious life; from a lower life to a higher life; from a shallow life to a deeper life; from a fruitless life to a more abundant life; from being “carnal” to being “spiritual”;... Read more

January 18, 2013

“God loves you and accepts you just as you are.”  These were the words I heard as we recently had a guest speaker in our church. The rest of his sermon was built on that very premise. We didn’t have to understand anything, simply, “God loves you and accepts you just as you are.” This phrase couldn’t be more wrong. Why is this phrase wrong? For starters, it is impossible for God to love us just as we are because... Read more

January 17, 2013

Editor’s Note: Below is a guest post from my friend, Casey Cease. Casey is an Acts 29 Church Planter in Magnolia Texas and will be releasing his debut book, Tragedy to Truth mid-February. These seasons of darkness are not only common, but are necessary for our maturity as followers of Jesus. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 As a minister of the gospel and a follower of Jesus, I have counseled... Read more

January 16, 2013

Mark Driscoll, the preaching and theology pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, was kind enough to answer a few questions from me on his latest book, Who Do You Think You Are? 1. You recently released a book titled, “Who Do You Think You Are?” Can you share where the title came from? It’s a bit of an aggressive question, intended to elicit consideration from people. I want people to think about that question as it’s often one we... Read more

January 15, 2013

3801 Lancaster is a short(22 min), powerful documentary that you can and should watch. “Through interviews with victims, reporters, neighbors, and footage of Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth William’s testimony before the Pennsylvania Senate, the film tells the tragic story of Dr. Gosnell, his clinic, the women and children he killed, and the state oversight agencies that turned a blind eye for over twenty years.” WARNING: THIS FILM CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT   Every time pastors and church leaders speak, they... Read more

January 14, 2013

The most important question you will ever ask yourself: Who am I? The world is quick to label us as pastors, mothers, news anchors, salespeople and the list goes on. While these are all true to the non-Christian, the Christian answer should be drastically different. The Seattle based Megachurch Pastor, Mark Driscoll has set out to answer this question in his new book, Who Do You Think You Are? He approaches answering this question by a careful exposition of Paul’s... Read more

January 13, 2013

My wife and I have spent the past couple months discerning where God would have us. It seems that a door opens and in turn we pursue it, only to have it close. Our hopes go up and our hopes go down. The comfort we can continue to rest in is that our identity isn’t in where we live, what we do or who we know, but rather it is in Christ and what He has done. We can rest... Read more

January 12, 2013

The topic of poverty is frequently brought up in the church, but with no clear understanding of how to approach it. In the church I grew up in there never was a theology of poverty taught, let alone discussed. Right from the beginning of Awaiting A Savior, Aaron wastes no time and gets into the bible. One thing I appreciated most about this book was exactly that, it is ruthlessly biblical. He begins by walking us through the doctrine of... Read more

January 11, 2013

You know that feeling that overcomes you when you have sinned against a holy, perfect and just God? You don’t want to sin, in fact you are sure you won’t but then all of a sudden you end up getting angry at your wife, or you get impatient with your kids. You then beat yourself up because you just did exactly the opposite of what you wanted to do! I think the devil has tactics of attacking us even in... Read more

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