A Shameless Ask for a Silly Contest About.Me

A Shameless Ask for a Silly Contest About.Me September 5, 2011

I have talked about the about.me service before, but just in case . . . about.me acts as a kind of online business card where you can hold and share a snapshop of who you are: bio, images, links, etc.  I have found it a great way for folks to connect with me while being able to easily keep all information up-to-date. It has a clean simplified interface with many great templates and as one who is also trying to build up readership and increase my interactions, the analytics help me to see how effectively I am connecting with folks.  All-in-all a pretty cool service.

So, when about.me started the contest to get either ones profile on plastered on their billboard and/or a trip to NYC, I figured what the heck, lets go for it.  Pretty much any chance to go to New York I am going to jump on. After my favorite city in the world, San Francisco, New York is number two, so with a few facebook and twitter pleas, I find myself in the top 5% with about two weeks to go.

Time togo big or go home .

So here is the blatant ask . . .

  • VOTE TODAY – On your computer and/or phone vote by going to http://about.me/breyeschow and clicking the ballot on the right.
  • REPEAT – Please vote every day until September 20.
  • SHARE – If you really want to help, feel free to use the buttons on the ballot to share on twitter and facebook as well.
  • REMINDERS – To avoid really being obnoxious about this, if you want reminder, “LIKE” This Status Update and I’ll be sure to drop a reminder every so often.

I think that’s it. Again, in the great scheme of things, not at all important, it will help me get connected and did I mention . . . New York 😉

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