September 18, 2012

It is said that we preachers only have 3-5 things to say and we just keep finding new ways to say them. There is some truth to that I think and this state of being is not always bad. Themes of living love, extending forgiveness, seeking justice etc. are well worth coming back to again and again and again. With this in mind, I apologize for what may soon just be heard as “blah, blah, blah, graciousness, blah, blah, blah, blah,” but it seems... Read more

September 17, 2012

Whenever I talk about Christianity and the issues, passions and positions that so many Christians hold, someone inevitably lobs the “Why do you bother? What you are doing doesn’t make any difference!” argument into the mix. This comes both from people of faith who have been burned-out by living what feels like a life of futility as well as from those who are committed to work against the kinds of change that many Christians hope to see. Believe me, there are times when I wonder the same thing... Read more

September 14, 2012

As many of you know, I left full-time ministry about 18 months ago after helping to start a church here in San Francisco. The impetus for my leaving had nothing to with some scandal or financial collapse, but rather about “call” and my own need to discern where God was leading me in ministry. The subsequent months have been filled with some awesome adventures and I am grateful for the luxury/blessing/privilege to wander a bit. Throughout this time, I’ve been consulting,... Read more

September 13, 2012

This morning this picture flashed up on my FB Stream from The Official Bruce Lee Facebook Page. It is a postcard written to Bruce Lee’s future wife, Linda, just a few weeks after they started dating. In case you can’t read what it says, To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently act frankly; to... Read more

September 12, 2012

On more than one occasion I have heard praise music called “7/11 music,” the same seven words sung eleven times. Because I tend to run in mainline church circles, this commentary is often served with a hearty serving of condescension and a generous side of superiority. After all, all that silly “praise” music is theologically shallow and in no way brings glory to God. While the battles about worship and music are traditionally focused on the use of organs, guitars,... Read more

September 11, 2012

It is hard to believe that is has been 11 years since that surreal morning when the world’s attention was focused on the attack on the United States. Watching the looping images of planes flying into the World Trade Center, the attempts at trying to understand what was happening and the subsequent turmoil that as arguably altered the very nature of politics in the United States, 9/11 must be remembered with care and grace as we continued to deal with the aftermath. We will never... Read more

September 10, 2012

A few months ago my family and I were out at some pizza joint and there was a baseball game on the TV. Being San Francisco, the Giants were playing someone and up stepped catcher, Buster Posey. Now for those who now me, I am not simply a huge baseball and Oakland Athletics fan, but I dislike the San Francisco Giants something fierce. I know, I know, I live in San Francisco, how can I not support the hometown team? Sport... Read more

August 29, 2012

This week, during the Republican National Convention, this Tampa Tribune ad hit the newsstands . . . Yep, you read correctly, this ad is from some Republicans to some Republicans. Awesome. If I know some of you liberal friends o’ mine, seeing this has got you all foaming at mouth. Your loins are girded, your shields are raised and you are ready to wave the flag of “See, even your own people want you to change!” in the face of any conservative, anti-marriage equality,... Read more

August 28, 2012

Thanks to some unfortunate DNA, my love of french fries and my serious post-40 lack of exercise, the past few years has seen me enter that stage of “You better get your blood-pressure under control or else.” Well, this morning I had a spike in my blood pressure and and my doc sent me to the ER. *ugh* I am fine, but thought I would share the best part of the experience: Upon entering the ER, I was greeted by one of the docs... Read more

August 27, 2012

Sign the petition: Christians Standing Together Against Gun Violence. As a Christian and a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) I often struggle with Scripture and how God intends for me to live in the world. Jesus and our faith demands of us to make difficult decisions in life that often stand firmly against our own upbringing, our own wants and, at times, our friends and family. I believe that, today, the question of gun ownership and fighting gun violence is one of those times. Trust me,... Read more

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