Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Today

Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Today December 12, 2009

Over the years since my marriage on the Feast of St. Juan Diego, I have developed a strong devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. In New York, I went to her feast mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral one year and it was amazing, lots of people wore shirts or tilmas with her image, there were roses everywhere, and it was a joy to see a busy, secular city, full of lively prayer processions.

Head on over to paperdali and download these terrific OLG and Juan Diego coloring pages, complete with a seperate tilma to color, and your children can do a little play of Our Lady’s appearance to this humble Mexican Indian. (hat tip O Night Divine)

Read the Tomie de Paola book, The Lady of Guadalupe, or watch the CCC movie about St. Juan Diego.

And, who needs an excuse for Mexican food for dinner? We will be having enchiladas, followed by cinnamon cookies and hot chocolate, while we trim our tree, which we (and by we I mean my husband) cut down today at a farm down the street from our home!

If you don’t get to this today, do a Posada (christmas play) later in the week — there are paper dolls available for that, too, and have your Mexican food then!

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