Milk Allergy?

Milk Allergy? May 12, 2010

Once again, I’m seeking the expert advise of all of you wonderful moms and dads out there. I’m wondering if any of you have discovered a milk sensitivity/allergy in your infant. If so, what were the symptoms in your infant, and how long did it take (after cutting milk proteins out of your diet) before you noticed an improvement?

Just to give a brief description of our situation: Baby Caroline (11 weeks old) has had green poop (so sorry, I know that’s gross), and also a good bit of gas accompanied by discomfort, and one of the possible causes is a sensitivity to milk proteins. It could also be a whole host of other issues – a virus in her system, teething, or stress, to name a few – but this has been going on for quite a while. I hate to cut all milk products out of my diet, but if that’s what I need to do to then of course I’ll do it!

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