Kids say…

Kids say… July 9, 2010

We all like to blog from time to time about the cute little things our kids say.  For example, just today, Leo said, and I quote,

Monkeys don’t have shirts.  Monkeys’ dads should buy them some shirts.

It was pretty funny, though perhaps you had to be there and realize that this came out apropos of nothing.  It was so funny that I put it up on facebook, but nobody but my husband “liked” it, so maybe it wasn’t funny enough.  However, there is a really funny guy who writes snarky emails and he has a really funny kid, who says things that might be important life advice, such as:

On cleaning up

“It will just get messy again. I like it like this, it shows we have better things to do than cleaning.”

Right?  If you are up for a laugh, check out some more here.  Also, his bitter email exchange about doing free graphic design for his secretary’s lost cat.  **(Warning, there is some inappropriate content on this site, see comments for more details)**

Oh, and while we’re on the subject free design, can I just say over and over again, thank you, Jonathon, I hope we are slightly less obnoxious than that secretary, but I’m not sure.

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