August 18, 2008

1. Michael Phelps consumes 12,000 calories a day. A single workout for Phelps burns around 4,000 calories. Phelps is amazing. 2. Not to take anything away from Phelps, but there are WAY too many swimming events. 3. All gymnasts are short. Just in case you were tempted to think that Nastia Luikin was tall–she isn’t. Luikin is only 5’3” but looks gigantic next to the likes of Shawn Johnson (4’9″) and Chinese gymnasts Deng Linlin (4’5”). Another tidbit, Deng Linlin... Read more

August 17, 2008

Dear Lucy ~ I can’t believe that it has already been two years since the day of your birth…On these anniversary days, I can remember everything as if it were just happening now. What a precious gift you were to us, sweet girl, and to so many others who prayed for you, held you, rejoiced in your birth and mourned your death with us. We are honored that God chose us to be your parents, Lucy, and we pray that... Read more

August 16, 2008

Ladies, I’m looking for a little help here…We are now the proud owners of a porcelain kitchen sink, and I’m wondering if any of you have some tips for me on how to clean it. I’ve heard that a product called “Barkeeper’s Friend” works well – has anyone tried it? The main problem is that the sink gets easily scratched and stained…Please help 🙂 Read more

August 15, 2008

As mothers and fathers, we are called upon throughout the day to practice a lot of things–patience, perseverance, discipline, godliness, holiness… and I would argue among these is TIDINESS. Yes, I’m placing the orderliness of one’s home right alongside the most Godly traits above. Why? Because I believe everyone (yes everyone) has the ability to practice tidiness; to harness the habit of an orderly lifestyle so that life runs a little smoother. And I would argue that with more tidiness... Read more

August 15, 2008

HYMN: The Ark which God has Sanctified The ark which God has sanctified, Which He has filled with grace, Within the temple of the Lord Has found a resting-place. More glorious than the seraphim, This ark of love divine, Corruption could not blemish her Whom death could not confine. God-bearing Mother, Virgin chaste, Who shines in heaven’s sight; She wears a royal crown of stars Who is the door of Light. To Father, Son and Spirit blest may we give... Read more

August 15, 2008

If you have any free time today, check out this Wall-Street Journal article, For Most People, College is a Waste of Time. I think the article makes some great points, and like most Americans I’m appalled at the expense of college education, and the huge debt problem of most young graduates. The system is definitely flawed, and colleges and corporations are the beneficiaries. Think about how much state/federal aid these universities receive! I’m not arguing here that we shouldn’t subsidize... Read more

August 14, 2008

“Mama, in a little while, I’m gonna give the money in my piggy bank to Dada, to pay for our house and food. When it’s full.” Gianna–age 4 Read more

August 14, 2008

I have been following the life of baby Marcela de Jesus Ferreira for several months. Baby Marcela was born with anencephaly. (My daughter Therese, and Kat’s daughter Lucy also had this fatal birth defect.) Yet unlike most babies with anencephaly, who live for hours or days after birth, baby Marcela lived for almost two years. And she was loved for every minute of her amazing little life: Rio de Janeiro, Aug 5, 2008 / 04:44 pm (CNA).- During her short... Read more

August 13, 2008

A Civilization of Love by Carl Anderson AWOL Mommy said: So, our first book choice was A Civilization of Love: What Every Catholic Can Do to Change the World by Carl Anderson. Honestly, I was drawn to the book by its ambitious subtitle, however, it failed to deliver. Anderson brings an impressive biography to the challenge — head of the Knights of Columbus, former Reagan advisor, staff of JP II — however, this tome is too grand in scope and... Read more

August 13, 2008

Do you or do you not allow your children to shake the plastic tubes of mini M&Ms like maracas in a mariachi band when you wait in the checkout line? I do. My children shake and sometimes even dance a little. Maybe I’ve lost control of my children, or maybe I’m justified in allowing this behavior. First, Mars Inc. is to blame. They package tiny low-quality chocolate candies in colorful plastic tubes to market them to children. And jack up... Read more

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