May 23, 2008

Okay, so I am coming to the real but somewhat sad conclusion that it is much easier for me to love my children (as in the small, day to day patience kind of love, not the more abstract God is love kind of love) when they look cute. They are not well dressed all the time, by any stretch. A lot of it comes down to energy, those sorts of clothes are high maintenance. Also, I am not just talking... Read more

May 22, 2008

Has anyone figured out the true scoop on infant sleep positions? Of course tummy sleeping is out because of the SIDS risk, although it’s crazy that our parents were told to sleep babies on their tummies. Is cosleeping safer or more dangerous than putting a baby to sleep alone? Different parenting philosophies differ here on what seems to be a factual question. And is side sleeping really more dangerous than back sleeping? With all three of my newborns, I’ve felt... Read more

May 22, 2008

The Crime Scene: The Culprits: The Verdict: One shaved head. One bad haircut made presentable with lots of barrettes and headbands. One mama who keeps reminding herself that it’s only hair. It will grow back. Read more

May 21, 2008

After Red’s recent post regarding her ongoing grieving for her daughter, Therese, one commenter asked the following question: Was there anything that you read or anything that anyone did for you that was particularly helpful during your immediate time of grief? I have not experienced the loss of a baby of my own, so I hope that those who have will not find me presumptuous in responding to this question, but I wanted to share some thoughts. My family is... Read more

May 20, 2008

For those of you who do not read Amy Welborn’s blog regularly, she had a wonderful reflection yesterday about parenthood. Since many of us here have young children–and have yet to reach the stage where our children are independent, I though we would all really appreciate Amy’s thoughts and wisdom. Enjoy. Read more

May 20, 2008

Cankles. Read more

May 19, 2008

We are planning to homeschool Gianna (age 4) and lately I have been spending a lot of time researching curricula. During my research, I have had a strong desire to purchase a kindergarten curriculum for Gianna. The only problem—Gianna is a little too young for kindergarten. She will be 4.5 come September, and while mature for her age, she will definitely struggle with some of the material because she is too young. Despite this fact, and regardless of my otherwise... Read more

May 18, 2008

Well, the good hearted Texas Mommy has encouraged us to look on the bright side of the third trimester, but other than the joy of finding out about a baby on the way, I can’t come up with any good things about the first trimester of pregnancy. For any of you out there who might be just getting started on baby cooking, and especially for your spouses, Suzanne Temple sums it up. Read more

May 17, 2008

Here is a link for a new children’s story, Ingrid Longlash, by John Farrell. John is a reader of our blog and sent me this link. Enjoy! Read more

May 16, 2008

As our family readies to embark on a HUGE move across country, we are also gearing up for a few other family changes. One of the biggest and most wonderful blessings will be the addition of our third child this August. I can’t tell you how excited we are to welcome “sweet baby J” so soon… In an attempt to avoid future child adjustment issues, we’ve decided to move our two boys, M and T (3 years 4mos and 22mos,... Read more

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