October 23, 2015

There's nothing I'd rather do on a dark and stormy night than curl up with a creepy book. Here are some of my seasonal favorites that I turn to year after year. Read more

October 19, 2015

Surely, we can carve ten minutes out of our days to slow down, breathe, and connect with the bounty of this season, right? Read more

October 16, 2015

Sharing the magical alchemy of the fruits of the baking process is a wonderful way to forge connections and spread a little joy. Read more

October 12, 2015

With the crisp, cool temperatures, I've found myself craving sweets (and sweaters) more and more, so this weekend, I whipped up a cup of hot chocolate with a bit of a magical kick. I thought I'd share my recipe with you today! Read more

October 5, 2015

There's more to the magic of pose and posture than just in a ritual setting. Strike a pose and start your day off right! Read more

October 1, 2015

This month, I'm going to dance in the leaves, light yellow and orange candles whenever the urge strikes, and say yes to pumpkin everything. Read more

September 28, 2015

Remember, that which you focus on grows. Read more

September 23, 2015

I love incorporating ancient texts and charms into my own practice, but it’s good to be reminded that the historical record is filled with countless holes and can’t be replicated. Every time another one of those holes gets filled, though, I get a little bit more excited. Read more

September 21, 2015

Chang-O, the Chinese goddess who lives on the moon, is traditionally celebrated with a lunar festival near the fall equinox, and today I wanted to share a simple spell with you to connect with this goddess (and the power of the moon) no matter the season. Read more

September 16, 2015

if you can think of any fun instances of goddesses popping up in popular culture, please share! Read more

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