A Quick Word

A Quick Word October 21, 2015

Photo by Fran McColman
Photo by Fran McColman

Friends, you may have noticed that I’m not posting much lately.

Don’t worry, that’s only a temporary situation. I am currently focussed on writing my next book, which will be a companion volume to The Big Book of Christian Mysticism. It will be published in late 2016 or early 2017. I’ll say more about it when we get closer to the publication date.

I should be back on a weekly posting schedule by mid-November.

But in the meantime, I want to alert you to some exciting things coming down the pike:

  • I will release five or six new Youtube/Vimeo videos in the near future. These were filmed at a small gathering in the Atlanta area last August. I speak on a variety of topics, including “Silence,” “Mysticism,” “Contemplation,” and “Monastic Spirituality.” I think you’ll like these videos. I’ll be posting them to Youtube and Vimeo — and embedding them on this blog — as soon as they’re ready to be published.
  • Meanwhile, this blog will be getting a design do-over within the next few days or so. I’ve been working with an awesome designer (Jackie Hobbins of Moonpup Productions) and she has created a beautiful new look for my site. We’re still doing a few tweaks to get it just right, but as soon as we can, we’ll unveil it here.
  • And of course, most exciting of all — Befriending Silence, my new book on Cistercian spirituality, will be published in just a few weeks. If you haven’t already pre-ordered it, please do so now (see this post for a list of online stores selling the book).

So my silence is simply a consequence of lots of cool stuff happening. Stay tuned!

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