Answer the Contemplative Call — Here’s a Great Idea for Your Lenten Reading

Answer the Contemplative Call — Here’s a Great Idea for Your Lenten Reading February 28, 2019

Update: Sorry, friends, the sale is over. But I hope you’ll still consider this book for Lenten reading — or for devotional reading at any time during the year.

I love a bargain. So I’m happy to announce that, through the “BookBub” website, one of my books, Answering the Contemplative Call, is available — for a limited time — for only 99¢! (Sorry, but this is just for USA residents).

This sale only lasts for four days, which means you only have until March 3, 2019 (that’s Sunday) to download this ebook for less than a dollar. So don’t wait, buy it now.

Here’s the Bookbub link for Answering the Contemplative Call: — follow this link and click on “Get Deal” to buy your 99¢ ebook for any of the following platforms:

  • Amazon Kindle
  • Barnes & Noble Nook
  • Apple iBooks
  • Google Play
  • Rakuten Kobo

I think this sale comes at the perfect time — since March 6 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. As readers of the Rule of Saint Benedict know, it’s customary in the Benedictine tradition to read a book during Lent — and if I do say so myself, Answering the Contemplative Call, of all my books, is probably the best one for Lenten reading. So if you still haven’t made up your mind what book to read this Lent, here’s one I’m happy to recommend — for less than a dollar (but only until 3-3-19).

What is Answering the Contemplative Call about?

The book is built on a very simple premise:

In every heart there is a place of infinite longing.

The great Christian mystics — men and women of all ages whose lives have embodied profound union with God — insist that the transforming power of Divine Love is available to everyone. Contemplative prayer is a journey into the heart of God — and into a life radiant with love lavishly shared with others.

Grounded in the Christian tradition yet written for people of all faiths, Answering the Contemplative Call reveals how the wisdom of the mystics can lead us to the beauty and splendor of the Divine presence. The book draws from the teaching of mystics and contemplatives both renowned (Teresa of Ávila, Julian of Norwich) and lesser-known (John Ruusbroec, Walter Hilton) to show how the joys of the mystical path are available to all who truly long for God.

Praise for Answering the Contemplative Call

This well-written book presents the classic precepts and practices of the Christian contemplative path in a clear and helpful way. — Cynthia Bourgeault

It is not often that a book is both very practical and very inspiring at the same time.  Carl McColman gives you much wise direction and broad understanding of the field of contemplative theory and practice.  The need is too great today to waste time relearning what has already been learned—so well.  Here is your teacher! — Richard Rohr

Carl McColman invites us on a journey of love where everyone is welcome and worthy, and it is impossible to get lost. It is a journey that necessarily begins within, and leads ever-deeper inward, to a place of resonant silence. Bountiful quotes from mystics who have walked the path before us provide a series of luminous stepping-stones for own adventure. — Mirabai Starr

There is so much that recommends this delightful guide — Carl’s own depth of experience, his wonderful ability to bring in apt quotations from the great contemplative saints of history, his ability to be both simple and deep without ever becoming simplistic or murky. As I read, I kept thinking of friends with whom I want to share this treasure — a travel guide to an adventurous journey that will last forever.  — Brian D. McLaren

There is a sweetness—a candor—a gentleness to McColman’s work that makes him the most desirable of guides into the holy places of the soul. But there is also, as one would expect from such quietness, the enabling authority of one who knows and who, knowing, can wisely tell and share. This is a book to savor and then to treasure. — the late great Phyllis Tickle

Carl McColman masterfully maps out for the serious spiritual seeker the nature of the mystical experience and outlines a clear and accessible pathway on how to get there. — Kyriacos C. Markides

Get your copy of Answering the Contemplative Call for only 99¢ on your favorite ebook reader now — just follow this link:

P. S. I know some readers might be thinking, “I don’t like ebooks.” You can still buy Answering the Contemplative Call as a paperback, but at its regular price. But why not give the ebook version a try? Hey, I love the joy of reading a “hard copy” book as much as anyone. But ebooks are convenient — wherever your smartphone goes, your book goes with you. Plus, they are “searchable” so if you want to find that place where I tell the story of Thomas Aquinas’s mystical experience, it’s just a quick word search away. If you are new to ebooks, here’s a great way to get your first book at a rock-bottom price.

P. P.S. Last week I mentioned on this blog that my Lenten book for 2019 is going to be Walter Hilton’s The Scale of Perfection. While I’m tempted to invite you to join me in reading that medieval book, I also recognize it might be a bit too “heady” or archaic for many people. So I’m recommending Answering the Contemplative Call instead — especially if you can take advantage of the BookBub sale, now through March 3!

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