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If you haven’t, please do so. I’m not very good at marketing — I’d much rather spend my time coming up with new material for my blog or youtube or whatever. But we live in a world that is organized around commerce, and part of my job as a writer is to promote my book. So here goes.
Please click on one of the links above (or below) and pre-order your copy of Eternal Heart. Or better, pre-order several copies and give one to your mother, one to your pastor if you attend church, and so forth. Whether you want one or a dozen, please pre-order them.
Why does this matter? For a very simple reason. Bookstores (whether online or in your neighborhood) simply cannot equally promote every single book that comes along. The law of the jungle applies: some books get all the attention, others get shelved way back in the corner. Pre-orders help the retailers to gauge how much attention a book should get.
Paradoxically, the more pre-orders, the more likely a book will get noticed and promoted.
Take Amazon, for example. With enough pre-orders, the book will have a “sales bump” on its release date (June 29 or when Amazon has inventory in its warehouse, whichever comes first). With that sales bump, the book is more likely to get promoted on Amazon’s mysticism page, spirituality page, etc. (we’d need to have literally thousands of pre-orders to get it to the front page of the entire website — but if you want to order them, I’m game!). A similar metric will affect all these retailers, so if you would rather support a supplier other than Amazon, please do so.
I know many people prefer to support your neighborhood bookstore instead of the big online retailers or chain-stores. If that’s you, then click on or— they are websites dedicated to supporting local, independent, neighborhood bookstores, so if you order through them, your book will come from an indie retailer.
If you prefer ebooks, remember that Amazon and B&N both provide ebook versions (on Kindle and Nook, respectively). Pre-orders help ebook sales just like they help hard-copy sales.
So if you are at all interested in reading Eternal Heart please pre-order it. If you’re not sure but you have someone in your life who you think just might enjoy it, get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping — Christmas will be here before you know it.
I am not too proud to beg, obviously. That’s okay: humility is a virtue. And so let me humbly thank you for reading this far — and for clicking on one of the graphics above, or links below, to place your pre-order today.
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Advance Praise for Eternal Heart:
Eternal Heart is a generous invitation to enter into the heart of the mystery. Carl McColman offers a lens of love through which to gaze upon eternal gifts hidden in the very center of all that is. Such sacred seeing transforms what it beholds.
— Mirabai Starr
author of God of Love and Wild Mercy
Eternal Heart is a beautiful offering that not only informs us about what contemplation is but also gives us a felt sense of its quiet aliveness and joy. Reading it feels like listening to a gentle call. One that calls us back to our hearts — that place deep within—where we feel held and loved by God and where God is a living reality. Rich in teachings from the classical mystical tradition, this book is not only meant to be read but also prayed.
— the Rev. Adam Bucko
director of The Center for Spiritual Imagination
co-author of Occupy Spirituality and The New Monasticism
There is no better time than now to delve into the subject of the heart. Carl McColman takes us into a metaphysical and seamless journey to gather a kind of joy so immense we cannot grasp it. He expands the mind with questions of what might be beyond infinity, beyond eternal. He leads us further into our hearts as sleuths in the mystery of life. What joy! Eternal Heart is a wonderful offering.
— Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
ordained Zen Buddhist priest and author of several books
including The Deepest Peace: Contemplations From a Season of Stillness
Carl McColman offers us another gift of contemplative insight and illumination. Eternal Heart invites the reader into various themes of the mystical life, deepening each one with wisdom from mystics of various traditions to help reveal the way to oneness as one of unity rather than division. He encourages us all to embrace this mystical gift and vision in our lives, one our world is so hungry for, and charts the way through accessible practices. Reading it I felt my heart kindled by both joy and possibility.
— Christine Valters Paintner
abbess of
author of Sacred Time: Embracing
an Intentional Way of Life
There is likely in each of us a mystic within, waiting for us to open a door in the heart to release that hidden part of ourselves most in touch with the divine, and to embrace it and nurture it. Eternal Heart shows us how to unlock that door so that we can seek what is eternal and sacred in all things — our conversations, walks, and all we see, taste and hear. It is a book whose “heart practices” we will feel drawn to repeatedly over the different seasons of our lives.”
— Judith Valente
author of How To Be: What The Rule of St. Benedict Teaches Us
About Happiness, Meaning and Community
and Atchison Blue: A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home and a Living Faith
Mysticism and contemplation can feel abstract and challenging even to those of us who are most curious about them, but Carl McColman’s Eternal Heart grounds these ancient practices in concepts familiar to everyone. Interweaving storytelling, scripture, and interfaith tools for contemplation, this book helps our hearts find a path toward the things they most long for.
— Kaya Oakes
author of Radical Reinvention
and Slanted and Enchanted
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