Hi friends, as you may know, this blog is made possible by the generous support of Patreon members. So I’m writing this post to give everyone a look at what your membership in Patreon will provide in 2023.
If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it is an ongoing membership/crowdfunding program specifically for writers, musicians, podcasters, artists, game designers and other “content creators.” It’s a way for you to invest a small monthly amount (most people choose between $5 and $20) to support the ongoing work of a specific creative person (or persons). As I say at the bottom of every page on this website, my blog is made possible through the generous people who make this monthly support.
But Patreon is far more than just a way for feeding the starving artists. It’s been designed so that participation in Patreon includes membership rewards, which could include exclusive or early access to new work, special work that is exclusively for members, opportunities to interact with the artists/writers, and so forth. Once a year or so, content creators are encouraged to update their membership rewards programs, so that current and prospective Patreon members know what is included with their membership.
Here is a rundown of my current menu of Patreon membership rewards. If you are already a Patreon member, you’ll have access to the rewards based on your membership tier. If you are not currently a member or would like to change your membership amount, you can sign up by clicking here.

Overview of the Program
Here are the tiers available to patrons who support this blog. Note that the membership levels are inclusive of the rewards from all previous tiers, so if you opt for tier II you get the rewards for both tiers I and II; with membership in tier III, you get access to all the materials from tiers I through III.
Tier I: Basic Supporters ($5 or more per month, or $51/year):
Patreon members at this (or any level) have members-only access to 1-2 (sometimes more) exclusive or new writing from me (Carl McColman). This runs the range from meditations, to poetry, to newsletters, to first drafts of future blog posts or book chapters. This is a chance to get a “behind the scenes” look at the life of a contemplative blogger, with the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make the blog possible each month.
Tier II: Companions in Silence ($10 or more per month, or $102/year):
I know everyone is weary of Zoom — but it remains a powerful tool for long-distance interaction. Membership at this tier gives you access to bi-weekly Zoom calls with me, that include time for centering prayer, a brief presentation from me on a topic related to contemplation or mysticism, and time for shared reflection and discussion. Come every time, or just when you can. Each session stands alone; all are available to support your spiritual practice. In January we will start with two calls a month, one on a weeknight and one on a weekend day. This program may expand to three or even four calls a month, depending on demand and number of participants. If enough members want to meet weekly, we’ll find a way to make it happen.
Tier III: Contemplative Learners ($20 or more per month, or $204/year):
In 2022 I started The Contemplative Study of Mystical Writings: a series of self-study course materials designed to help you unpack some of the most challenging writings from the mystical and contemplative tradition. Once or twice a month I send out emails with detailed study guides, spiritual exercises, and quotations for reflection from the visionary writings of mystics. These study guides will open up your deep dive into wisdom writing. Remember, the monthly Zoom meetings and exclusive access to new writing is also available at this level; and members at this tier (or higher) get bonus goodies (see below).
Bonus Reward for Tier III: All members at the $20 or higher level get presents! And in 2023 there may be two presents: early in the year, current members will receive an autographed copy of one of my books (you’ll get to choose which one); and then when the new book comes out (probably in November, although that is subject to change), current members get an autographed copy of that one as well.
You can join Patreon at any time; your membership begins the day you join, and renews each month (or year) on the anniversary of your joining. Join now and you’ll get immediate access to the current membership rewards. The new rewards will be available in 2023: Tier II meetings will begin in January, and Tier III study materials will begin in February. Tier I benefits are already available on an ongoing basis. Books for Tier III members will be mailed out in the spring, and then as soon as the new one is published.
Contemplative Study Program (Tier III): What Will We Be Reading Together?
Here are seven books that current Patreon members have voted on. I’m not sure how quickly we will get through these books, but figure we’ll get through at least four in 2023. And of course, I plan on creating course materials like this until I retire, so over the next 8-10 years I expect to create 30-40 study guides for both classic and contemporary mystical/contemplative writings. For 2023, we’ll begin with at least four books from this list:
Membership can be cancelled at any time, and if you are unhappy with your membership for any reason, write to me and I can refund you for up to the past 90 days. Please note that you are supporting a writer, and sometimes your rewards may be delayed depending on my overall schedule including deadlines, speaking engagements, etc. On the other hand, current members have access to both current and previous membership rewards, so for example if you opt for the contemplative study program, you’ll have access to an ever-growing library of study materials, for as long as you remain a member.
If you have any questions, please let me know, by leaving a comment at the bottom of this page. Otherwise, I hope you will prayerfully consider joining the circle of contemplatives and visionaries who partner with me each month to keep this blog running. A deep bow of gratitude!