August 2, 2021

N.B. Today’s guest post is by podcaster and physician Donna Chacko, author of Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey. Some of the material in today’s post is adapted from excerpts of that book. For nearly forty years I practiced medicine and did my best to help my patients enjoy better health. I didn’t realize I was missing a huge part of the healing package. After retirement I started a program called Serenity and Health and began writing a self-help book to... Read more

July 28, 2021

Consider these teachings from Jesus, all taken from just one Gospel (Matthew — See verses 5:44, 7:12, 19:21, 22:39 and 25:40): “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.” “Sell your possessions, and give (the money) to the poor, and follow me.” “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” “Love your enemies.” Couple this with a strong theme running throughout the Jewish and... Read more

July 22, 2021

A reader of this blog submitted this question: How explicitly Christian does the prayer word need to be in contemplative prayer (e.g., Centering Prayer)? My quiet-time practice is a hybrid of Lectio Divina with the Liturgy of the Hours. “No problem” with the three discursive steps of Lectio, but when I get to the non-discursive contemplatio, I struggle with monkey brain… Frankly, zazen’s breath counting “works” best for me over the years. I’ve tried using the Jesus Prayer, infused with... Read more

June 24, 2021

Friends, you are invited to a special virtual event: the Eternal Heart Book Launch Celebration! We will gather via Zoom on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 from 7:30 – 8:45 PM (Eastern USA Time). Our gathering will include music by folksinger Caroline Herring, and words from two special “Heart Authors” — Lerita Coleman Brown and Colette Lafia! I’ll read a few selections from the book, have a conversation on the wisdom of the heart with Lerita and Colette, and there will be... Read more

June 21, 2021

N.B. Today’s guest post is by noted musician and thanatologist Therese Schroeder-Sheker. She wrote this piece in response to Carl McColman’s latest book, Eternal Heart. I remember seeing an exquisite painting in a small private gallery in Brussels many years ago.  Two souls were walking together side by side as the sun was setting in the west.  Their heads were bowed, slightly inclined toward one another, and their glowing hands gestured gracefully like birds held aloft in mid-air.  It seemed to me... Read more

May 24, 2021

The best way to understand Christian mysticism (if “understanding” is even a possibility, given the mysterious nature of mysticism) is to approach it as a process: a developmental journey of how one relates to God. Process, Development, Journey, Relationship. Mysticism is dynamic, not static. More verb than noun. It’s something we do — in response to the love of God. Christian Mysticism begins with God. In this dance, God is Fred Astaire and the human being(s) — whether a single, individual, or... Read more

May 22, 2021

Friends, could you take a half a minute and fill out this 1-question survey? I’m planning my calendar for the rest of the year, and I’m trying to gauge how I should apportion my time between blogging, podcasting, video creation, and of course, working on my next book(s). I know the easy answer is “do what you love,” but to be honest I enjoy pretty much all of the above. So getting to know what is meaningful for you might help... Read more

May 21, 2021

Please click on the button of your preferred retailer to pre-order Eternal Heart: If you have already pre-ordered Eternal Heart, I thank you. If you haven’t, please do so. I’m not very good at marketing — I’d much rather spend my time coming up with new material for my blog or youtube or whatever. But we live in a world that is organized around commerce, and part of my job as a writer is to promote my book. So here goes.... Read more

May 18, 2021

N.B. Today’s guest post is by Jon M. Sweeney. Jon is the author of numerous books, including The Pope Who Quit, Beauty Awakening Belief: How the Medieval Worldview Inspires Faith Today, Phyllis Tickle: A Life and The Pope’s Cat among many others. He has edited works by Thomas Merton, Meister Eckhart, and others (Jon also edited my book on C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Mouse and the Dawn Treader). His newest book, released today, is  Thomas Merton: An Introduction to His Life, Teachings and... Read more

May 8, 2021

I first “met” Julian of Norwich through reading Evelyn Underhill’s magisterial book Mysticism: The Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness. Underhill’s book changed my life, for a number of reasons: it gave me a language and a context for making sense of my spiritual experience, it helped me to see that there is a place for an intellectually honest, interfaith-friendly expression of Christian spirituality, and — perhaps most important of all — Underhill introduced me to the grand tradition of Christian... Read more

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