Albuquerque pro-life measure hailed as valuable despite defeat

Albuquerque pro-life measure hailed as valuable despite defeat November 20, 2013

Albuquerque, N.M., Nov 20, 2013 / 02:10 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Although a pro-life ballot measure in Albuquerque, N.M., did not gain enough votes to pass, pro-life activists say the initiative was able to educate citizens about the reality of late-term abortion.

“Months ago, most Albuquerque residents had no idea their city had become a national hub for late abortion,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, in a statement.

“Despite being outspent four to one, pro-life grassroots activists were able to educate thousands of citizens about fetal pain and the reality of late abortion,” she continued. “This was no small feat in a deep blue city that chose Barack Obama over Mitt Romney by a 15-point margin.”

Dannenfelser’s comments come in response to the Nov. 19 defeat of a citizen-initiated ordinance to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy in Albuquerque. New Mexico currently has among the most lax abortion regulations in the country, allowing the procedure up until the day of birth.

The measure garnered 27,000 signatures, allowing it to come before the citizens for a vote. However, the ballot initiative was rejected by 55-45 percent of the vote.

In the weeks leading up to the election, abortion activists worked to counteract support for the initiative, raising more than $200,000 for television advertisements and activism, according to Susan B. Anthony List.

Pro-life advocates noted that the campaign to promote the ballot initiative has drawn awareness and support to the growing movement to ban late-term abortions across the country. Efforts to ban the procedures have been introduced at both the state and federal levels.

Protect Albuquerque Women and Children, a group supporting the measure, explained in a Facebook post that “all is not lost” because the battle “shed a light on the horrific practice of late-term abortion.”

“We will continue fighting to protect women and children from the barbaric and unnecessary practice of late-term abortion,” the group said, adding that it is not the end “but only the beginning of eliminating” the practice in Albuquerque and beyond.

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