Summer List of Inspiration to Help Us Enjoy All of the Next Three Months

Summer List of Inspiration to Help Us Enjoy All of the Next Three Months June 18, 2021

Every year we sit and make a list of things we hope to do over the course of June, July and August.  It’s a tradition that helps us ensure we carpe diem even as we allow summer to pour over us like syrup.  Not all goals are everyone’s goals.

Fun fun fun until school starts back up.

Right now, five are making a pilgrimage to the local ice cream store.  Five others took the day to shop. Dinner conversations have centered on the flaws in the canon of the Star Wars universe –as explained by two experts in the matter, and which is your favorite DC and Marvel superhero.  Summer is off to a good start.

100) Pick berries –because there’s an orchard near our house and I always wind up buying way more fruit than we can eat, but it’s always good.
99) Pool.
98) Jimmy Cones –it’s only open in the summer, it only takes cash and the ice creams are like a foot tall.
97) 5K –I put this in here not to sound virtuous but because I have a child who runs and for him, this is small potatoes.
96) outlet mall.
95) library.
94) paint three rooms.
93) game night.
92) BBQ everything.
91) meteor shower watching.
90) Go to museums.
89) Go to the fair.
88) sleep in.
87) Weekly Movie Night.
86) Cards
85) Waterballoon fights.
84) go to the beach.
83) Fireworks.
82) Go to a rock concert.
81) Hike
80) Zoo.
79) Walk every day.
78) Edit book (I know I know) every day.
77) Clear out the basement.
76) Redo basement.
75) Have a cook out.
74) Go to a picnic.
73) Aquarium
72) Fish and catch something.
71) Read a book a week.
70) teach Anna to roller skate.
69) Play drums.
68) Visit colleges with High School Senior
67) Get a pedicure.
66) Play tennis with daughter.
65) Go to a drive in theatre.
64) take husband to a symphony.
63) see a play.
62) write every day.
61) get hair colored.
60) thread out closet.
59) ride a horse.
58) go to a winery.
57) go to a bbq cook off.
56) play the piano ever day for 20 minutes.
55) say a rosary a day.
54) play baseball in the back yard.
53) dance more.
52) Learn Spanish.
51) Learn to play video games such that I no longer embarrass myself.
50) teach Anna chess.
49) reinstitute reading aloud to everyone.
48) help husband with garden.
47) make gumbo.
46) enter a contest.
45) Help kids organize/clean rooms.
44) Spend a whole day reading comics.
43) Write a poem a day.
42) take a course for professional development.
41) teach summer school
40) learn to sew.
39) play guitar
38) spend the day with friends.
37) go to the lake.
36) visit a muesum that focuses on dinosaurs
35) play basketball.
34) lemonade stand
33) visit cousins and grandparents.
32) get two kids drivers licenses and one a learner’s permit.
31) bike rides
30) canoing
29) paddle boats
28) dinner night out with friends.
27) spa day.
26) summer jobs.
25) learn how to swim.
24) learn sign langauge.
23) waterpark.
22) Iron Chef Mom and Dad contest.
21) learn three songs on the piano/drums/guitar
20) draw.
19) braid hair.
18) play pool.
17) grow tomatoes
16) get into shape.
15) submit more pieces for publication.
14) go to baseball games.
13) embroidery
12) facials.
11) sand castles.
10) Sundaes on Sunday.
9) Among us battle.
8) bake bread.
7) jump rope.
6) Family video game tournament.
5) Nothing…a day of nothing.
4) Tents outside for overnight.
3) Renaissance Fair
2) Piligrimage for an indulgence.
1) Beat the hell out of Cancer!

Have a great summer.  Make your own list!

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