Podcast #75: The Coming Farmville Apocalypse

Podcast #75: The Coming Farmville Apocalypse March 3, 2010

Farmville may not seem like a big deal now, but that’s because you hid it from your Facebook news feed a year ago. Since then, Farmville has amassed 80 million users, and a surprising amount of those users actually, you know, use Farmville. Scared yet? Well, you should be. Social/casual game phenomenons like Farmville and Foursquare involve themselves in our actual lives and relationships in a way that’s unprecedented, and they rely almost solely on psychological tricks in order to get us to play them. But is that enough to make them wrong? We’re not telling… in this paragraph. Did you know I’m trying to get you to listen to a podcast? Oh, speaking of making you want to listen to a podcast, Ben and I try Chat Roulette during this podcast. Ben is adequately horrified. It’s a good time.

Every week, Richard Clark and Ben Bartlett acknowledge and respond to the big issues in popular culture. We love feedback! If you’d like to respond you can comment on the website, send an email to christandpopculture@gmail.com, or go to our contact page. We would love to respond to feedback on the show, so do it now! Subscribe to us in iTunes by clicking here. While you’re at it, review us in iTunes! We’ll love you forever!

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