CaPC Mag, Issue #5: Befriending Muslims, Human Nature in Star Trek, and Much More!

CaPC Mag, Issue #5: Befriending Muslims, Human Nature in Star Trek, and Much More! June 12, 2013

This week, CaPCMag focuses on views of human nature and how they affect our world. What does it mean for humans to be fallen yet redeemable? In two exclusive features available only in the iPad and iPhone app we look at two different ways which our assumptions about human nature impact how we treat others and interpret the world. To read these fantastic articles, make sure you download and subscribe now! (there’s a free trial if you’re uncertain. You’ll love it though, so it’s kinda redundant.)

This issue, D.L. Mayfield interviews Carl Medearis, noted missionary to the Middle East, to help sort out how Christians in the US should interact with Muslims:

We are living in a very fearful country, forever wary of losing ground, of giving up status, power, and the majority vote. This fear spills into our media, our ringtones, and even our evangelistic charges. This fear doesn’t build up; it diminishes.

Love starts with knowing, but many of us are already comfortable with where we are, surrounded by others who look, act and pray just like us. Getting out of these cultural ghettos costs us time, emotional investment, and involves a certain amount of risk.

Also in this issue, Geoffrey Reiter looks at how enlightenment thinking inspired the conception of human nature in early Star Trek works and how that view changed in later series:

The future envisioned in the Star Trek mythology began as an optimistic one, and its journey into darker realms raises questions about how true a reimagining of the show could be. Much of the debate is grounded in how we understand human nature: are people born in a state of original sin, or are people blank slates, waiting for good education and nurture to improve us?

In addition to these exclusive features, this issue includes a letter from the editor looking at how human depravity and our call to “hope all things” relate, a discussion of the Star Wars Kid and how viral videos and memes can hurt others, the most thorough and engaging conversation about Fast and Furious 6 you will probably ever read, a look at the different perceptions of history in NBC’s Revolution, some thoughts on transhumanist art and the future, and the regular “Common Graces” feature which offers up five recommendations for your popular culture enjoyment–all in a pleasant-to-read package.

In case you missed the original post explaining the idea behind the magazine, you can read all about it here.


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