December 14, 2007

Here’s the Winner of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival Read more

December 13, 2007

The Coen brother's latest film, No Country for Old Men, has been released to almost unanimous praise by film critics, making it a strong contender for film of the year. The film is an adaptation of a novel by Cormac McCarthy, an author known for his unremitting violence, esoteric dialogue, and dense descriptions--preoccupations shared by the Coen brothers in many of their previous films. Read more

December 12, 2007

‘Woot’ Named Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year Read more

December 12, 2007

“Huckabee Was Wrong” Read more

December 12, 2007

“When Polar Bears Attack” is not the name of a new Fox Television reality show, rather it is the only remotely interesting part in an otherwise confused, tiresome, and overly-hyped film. The Golden Compass directed by Chris Weitz, was billed as another Lord of the Rings type fantasy epic film, it falls far short, however. Read more

December 11, 2007

Christmas is, “in the air,” for a longer period each year. This time around, I started hearing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving week! However, even Christmas cannot compare to the length of time we spend talking about politics, especially in a presidential election year. Read more

December 10, 2007

C&PC writer, Ben Bartlett explains why he has no business writing for Christ and Pop Culture. Read more

December 10, 2007

Christmas is more than likely the most diluted American holiday. Some see it as a celebration of family and friends, others prefer to use it as a time of giving, some unabashedly look forward to receiving, and Christians demand that our fellow Christmas observers acknowledge that Jesus is the real "reason for the season." Read more

December 9, 2007

Tim Tebow is the first Sophomore in NCAA history to win the Heisman Trophy! Read more

December 9, 2007

So here is an interesting review by some Catholics who say The Golden Compass actually supports Catholic theology! Read more

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