March 29, 2012

1. There was an interesting emotional moment on “American Idol” last night during Stevie Nicks’ mentoring session of contestant Hollie Cavanagh who sang the Carrie Underwood hit “Jesus, Take the Wheel.” During Cavanagh’s first performance of the song, Nicks appeared to sense that the young singer was hitting the notes correctly, but wasn’t genuinely feeling the meaning of the lyrics. Nicks then revealed that her mother died two months ago, and all the problems she thought she had in her... Read more

March 28, 2012

Though we practice different faiths, I can’t help but admire David Archuleta’s decision to step away from his singing career for two years in order to be a Mormon missionary and develop his relationship with God. It’s a choice that takes courage and character, especially for someone whose business is in the public eye. Being a public figure usually involves doing all the work possible to get your face out there and keep it out there. Yet here he is,... Read more

March 28, 2012

Here’s an excerpt from the Christopher News Note, “Effective Leadership:” Put the word “leadership” into an Amazon search and it brings up more than 67,000 book titles. It’s obvious leadership is a hot topic today, and yet figuring out how to be a good leader can leave us cold. We know what good leadership looks like when we see it, but we’re not always sure how to get to that seemingly magical place. The good news is magic has nothing... Read more

March 27, 2012

Katie Davis believes that Jesus “wrecked” her life. In her eyes, however, that’s a good thing. A few years ago, the Tennessee teen served as class president at her high school, enjoyed shopping for shoes, and planned to attend college. But Katie had also grown up admiring Mother Teresa and the radical love with which she served the poor. At the age of 12, she started taking her Christian faith more seriously and slowly realized that she felt called to... Read more

March 26, 2012

“Faithfulness in great things is not uncommon; faithfulness in little things is rare but most indicative of character. Almost any husband would leap into the sea or rush into a burning building to rescue his perishing wife. But to anticipate the convenience or happiness of the wife in some small matter, the neglect of which would go unnoticed, is a more eloquent proof of tenderness. “Our lives for the most part are made up of little things, and by these... Read more

March 23, 2012

In 2008, basketball phenom Elena Delle Donne started attending the University of Connecticut, a decision that would likely have launched her sports career into the stratosphere. Two days later, she moved back to her home state to attend the University of Delaware which was 20 minutes from her family’s home. Her decision surprised many people who saw it as a step off the road that would have brought her the quickest level of personal success. But Delle Donne wasn’t concerned... Read more

March 22, 2012

You may have heard about a recent court case in which an Oregon couple who gave birth to a daughter with Down syndrome sued their medical center and lab for failing to detect the chromosomal abnormality during the woman’s pregnancy. The couple claim they would have aborted the child if they had known about the diagnosis. This may seem shocking, but it’s consistent with the fact that 90 percent of women terminate their pregnancies after their unborn children are diagnosed... Read more

March 21, 2012

Creators of films, TV programs and books will be honored at 63rd annual Christopher Awards NEW YORK, March 21, 2012 — A young adventurer risks his life to reunite trafficked children with their families; African-American maids in the South reclaim their dignity through sharing their stories; a priest travels around the world to explore the history of the Catholic Church. These stories and more are told in the 22 feature films, TV/Cable programs, and books for adults and young people... Read more

March 19, 2012

In keeping with its pattern of reimagining fairy tales and including new subtexts of morality, Sunday’s “Once Upon a Time” episode, entitled “Heart of Darkness,” addressed some themes relevant to the Easter season – at least for those of us who watch the show with a Judeo-Christian worldview in mind. (Read my previous “Once Upon a Time” article here.) A little backstory first. The Evil Queen tried to have her stepdaughter, Snow White, killed earlier in the season. As a... Read more

March 17, 2012

Tony O’Rossi here with a little mood music to start your St. Patrick’s Day. I’m a bit of a classic movie buff who’s watched the John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara in “The Quiet Man” at least 15 times during my life. Outside of it being a fun, funny, rambunctious film, it’s also full of great Irish music. And you can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day without some lively music, so here’s the classic “Wild Colonial Boy” (which I first heard in... Read more

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