Recently, my wife and I had the opportunity to go and pick strawberries together at a nearby farm. Jesus’ words from John 15 came to mind. I came away with a couple of thoughts that I hope encourage and challenge you.
#1. Bearing fruit is slow. It takes time.
Strawberries can only be picked at certain times throughout the year. They aren’t always available, nor can they be produced overnight. It takes time. The weeks and months when they aren’t being picked? Well, they are being cultivated into maturity.
Producing spiritual fruit is similar. It cannot be mass produced on an assembly line. It takes time. Bearing fruit isn’t constant. It happens when the one producing the fruit is ready.
As we walked back to the barn to pay for the berries, we noticed what looked like blueberry bushes forming. Katie asked when they would be ready. The answer? “Sometime next year.” Bearing fruit takes time.
Breathe. Relax. Slow down.
#2. Bearing fruit comes from someone who is friends with Jesus.
Jesus says over and over in John 15 to “Remain.” He also called His disciples friends. Fruit doesn’t come from rushing through a quick acquaintance. It comes from abiding. Remaining. Sitting and enjoying as friends.
When was the last time you just sat with Jesus as you would a close friend?
#3. Bearing fruit will yield a reputation.
I found it interesting that the strawberries didn’t come to me. I went to them. I went to where they were and picked them. I learned that this farm had something of value to me (fresh, organic strawberries). I drove the miles to get there. I picked them by hand. I paid for them. I enjoyed eating the strawberries.
When it becomes known that you walk with Jesus and bring value to others’ lives, you will influence others around you by your fruit. You will be known by your love for others. You will become known as one who brings value and life to others. Everyone may not recognize it, but it will be a direct result of abiding with Jesus.
#4. Your fruit won’t appeal to everyone.
Not everyone likes strawberries (gasp). Some would rather have an apple or a banana. Or a bag of Doritos. That’s okay. God makes all kinds of fruit for different people to enjoy. Not everyone will be drawn to your “fruit” either. That’s okay. You aren’t for everyone. You are to be who God made you to be, abide with Him, and made to influence those He put in and around You. Not one of those strawberries compared itself to an orange. They were perfectly content with how they were made. We could learn a lesson from them.
What about you? What have you learned from picking fruit, as it relates to John 15?