Altar Calls & Book Recommendation

Altar Calls & Book Recommendation June 8, 2018

Ladies and Gentlemen – today we will break away from our usual “Fridays are For Illustrations.”

For any Baptist’s out there – this is only a temporary change. Things will (God willing) get back to normal next week. . .

On Wednesday, my dear friend, fellow minister of the Gospel, author, blogger, and distant relative kind of (it’s weird and hard to explain. . . I am from Alabama, remember) – Danny Franks – answered a question I asked of him on his blog.

It is about altar calls/Gospel response time/etc. You can read what he had to say here. I would LOVE to hear from some preachers and church goin’ people out there how it’s done where you are. Feel free to reply below.

In addition, Danny has recently written a book that I would recommend you stop what you are doing and purchase NOW.

Not in a minute, when you are finished reading this.

Now. Don’t want to go from that link? Try this. Now.

It would be a great addition to your summer reading list.

Let me tell you why his book People are the Mission: How Churches Can Welcome Guests Without Compromising the Gospel matters.

First, because Danny bleeds this stuff. He has been doing “First Impressions” and “Guest Services” ministry for a long, long time (he’s really old). He likes it. He loves it. He wants some more of it. And he’s good at it.

But even if you aren’t into that kind of “stuff” at church (which, btw, if you read his book you will be), this book will open your eyes to how you see guests who arrive on your church campus every week.

It is a very, very, very important work – for everyone who cares about the Gospel and the local church.

So what are you doing here? Order the book now.

(By the way – he isn’t paying me one red cent for this. . . but if you would like to, make checks payable to “Matt Pearson Enterprises.” Just kidding. . . sort of.)


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