What Would YOU Write Down? A Letter to West Franklin

What Would YOU Write Down? A Letter to West Franklin January 8, 2022
West Franklin Family,
Tomorrow morning we will begin a four month journey through the Gospel of John. In the very last verse John writes: “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25) In other words, John was super choosy about what he included in the 21 chapters. John saw Jesus do so many remarkable things that were they all written down, the earth would run out of room. Whoah. That is amazing. Now consider that John was only with Jesus for three years. Three. Years. Oh my.
When I read the four Gospels, I don’t get the impression that Jesus was busy. Active, yes. Intentional. Focused. But not busy. Not stressed. Not hurried. Full schedule. But not rushed. I don’t get the idea Jesus was frantically trying to do a bunch of good things in order to fill a library with his works. I do, however, get the idea Jesus was always working. Not in a “workaholic” sense. But in a “in tune with the Father” sense. The way Jesus lived and talked and walked and acted was constantly rich and full and whole and loving and truth-revealing. To be sure, I believe John meant that Jesus’ works were many and often and lavish and extravagant. But I wonder if John also meant that – if we will but look – Jesus is always at work? In other words, I wonder if John’s final verse had sort of a double meaning? Yes, while Jesus walked the earth the things He did were vast and numerous. This is, without a doubt, what John meant. But Jesus always acted and is always acting now. I wonder if this is John’s subtle way of encouraging us to constantly be looking for how Jesus is still working today? Can you imagine the amount of books needed if everything Jesus did for the last 2,000 years were recorded? Whoah.
What if you were tasked with writing down what Jesus did in and around you today? Are you looking? Seriously. If, like John, you were tasked with writing down things you noticed Jesus doing – what would you write?
What is Jesus saying to you as you look at the snow?
What is Jesus doing when He allows you to play with your kids?
What is Jesus doing when He prompts you to check on someone who might be stuck at home?
What is Jesus allowing when you are able to get some extended rest?
Where is Jesus meeting you when you are sad, or sick, or mad, or frustrated?
How, specifically, do you need the mercy and grace and love of Jesus right now?
How, specifically, do you need to crash again into the reality that He came, died, was buried, and rose again?
When you laugh, what is Jesus saying? Or allowing? Or blessing you with?
How is Jesus meeting you in a conversation with a friend?
When the COVID surge is overwhelming, where is Jesus calling you to trust? What is He leading you to say to Him?
Who is Jesus prompting you to pray for?
When did you last hear from Jesus – very vividly – from His Word?
How is Jesus addressing your soul as you read that book by the fire?
What would Jesus want to say to you as you stress about work or getting out of the house or???
If you, like John, were tasked with writing right things down things Jesus did – what would you write? Are you listening? Are you paying attention?
When Jesus walked the earth with John He did so many things all the libraries in the world couldn’t contain them. He is still working. What’s He doing in and around your life?
I can’t wait to see you in the morning with my Bible open to John 1:1-4.
Because He is Alive and Active,
Pastor Matt
God willing, all three services will be on tomorrow: 8 AM (choir room); 9 & 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall.
Make sure you have access to our weekly bulletin. Text “bulletin” to 623-623 and it will go straight to your phone every Sunday morning.

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