This is Us: A Letter to West Franklin

This is Us: A Letter to West Franklin March 5, 2022
West Franklin Family,
Senior adults. Children. Singles. Married. Teenagers. Babies.
Asian. American. Hispanic. Black. White.
Retired. Students. Sales Managers. CEO’s. Housewives. School Presidents. Preachers. HR Directors. Doctors. Nurses. Realtors. VP’s. Store clerks. Teachers. Counselors. Coaches. Financial advisors. Musicians.
Rich. Poor. Blue Collar. Middle class. First class. No class. Some with savings. Some without. Investments. Real estate. Two homes. Three homes. No homes. Renters. Owners. PhD’s. Seventh grade education. Entrepreneurs. Artists.
From California. Chicago. Florida. Arkansas. Alabama. South Dakota. Michigan. Georgia. Kentucky. Connecticut. North Carolina. Memphis. Knoxville. Murfreesboro. Franklin. Leiper’s Fork. Boston. Ohio. Oklahoma.
Republican. Democrat. Independent. And those who don’t care or old enough to.
Tea. Water. Chuy’s. Queso. Bundts. Salsa. Chicken. Steak. Creamy Jalapeno. Seconds. Thirds.
Vol fans. Gator fans. Hog fans. Auburn fans. Dawg fans. And fans from my home state for the other school not named Auburn. Commodores. Buckeyes. Sooners. Moccasins.
Country music fans. Rock. Rap. Taylor. Waylon. Classical. Gospel. Snoop Dog. Amy Grant.
Struggles with alcohol. Porn. Drugs. Anxiety. Depression. Suicide. Sexuality. Marriage issues. Child issues. Disorders. Lonely. Widows. Widowers. Sick. Healthy. Addiction. Gambling. Sleep apnea. Anorexia. Anger. Bitterness. Introverts. Extroverts. Some don’t mind a glass of wine before bed. Others believe all alcohol is the devil’s nectar.
Some like the NIV. Others the KJV. Some like The Message. Others the New American Standard. Some are pro-CSB. Other prefer the Living Bible. Some have read the Bible through several times. Others are just beginning. Some have been in church 9 months before birth. Others have just been delivered from a cult.
West Franklin, this is us. This is who we are. This is who gathered under one roof last Sunday. We worshiped. We learned. We observed the Supper. We sang. We listened. We ate. We celebrated. We were together.
Think about that. Read back through this litany of differences. Where else would you find this vast array of people all gathered together for one purpose? Where on this planet would you find such diversity together for a sole reason?
It’s the local church. It’s the result of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With all of our differences. With all of our eccentricities. With all of our secondary allegiances. We gather because of Jesus. Paul said the manifold wisdom of God is displayed through the church (Ephesians 3:10). I wonder if the Spirit who inspired him to write that was thinking about us? I think so. We gather together because of Jesus. Oh my.
West Franklin, never before has our world needed to know the Gospel is real and true and transformative than it does right now. We are so, so different. When you peal back the layers, we are so diverse. But it works. How? Jesus. Our world is longing to know it’s true. Every time we gather and love one another in our differences, we reveal to the world the love of God in the Gospel of Jesus. Hallelujah. Sinners saved by grace. Sinners who have been and are being rescued.
Where else can you find an Auburn fan and a fan from the other school from my home state gather to worship God and love one another? Only Jesus.
If you’ll excuse me, I need to go get more of Chuy’s Creamy Jalapeno dip. Oh my.
I’ll see you in the morning with my Bible open to John 7:53-8:11. Can’t wait.
Because Jesus Lives,
Pastor Matt

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