That Time A Progressive Lutheran Trans Youth Gets Their Own Marvel Comic

That Time A Progressive Lutheran Trans Youth Gets Their Own Marvel Comic December 14, 2019

Progressive Christian Transgender Youth

Last summer Rebekah was a featured speaker at the ELCA’s annual youth gathering. She spoke to the crowd of over 30,000 youth, and had us on our feet cheering at her courage and faith.

So it was with a lot of joy that I discovered Marvel has now featured her as their first transgender hero in the compelling new Hero Project Series: Real Kids Making A Real Difference.

Rebekah is a trans young person willing to tell her story, and advocate for her peers on similar journeys. Her father is an ELCA pastor, her mom a fierce advocate for her, and the episode takes time to interview them and the communities they have impacted.

I must confess it’s a bit startling to watch Disney + and a Marvel series and see your own faith tradition up their on the screen. That Rebekah is the first person I’m aware of out of my denomination to appear with Marvel makes me particularly proud.

You can read the whole comic here.

If you have the chance to see the whole episode at Disney +, I highly recommend it. Going to go back now and watch the previous Hero Project installments, and may use these as a series with my confirmation youth in the spring.

The Trailer


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