October 3, 2021

I am increasingly convinced the greatest failure of the church in my generation is its complete silence and inaction on the climate crisis. I confess my complicity in this. I care about and invest considerable energy in many issues Christians should be on the frontlines for: lgtbtq advocacy, care for prisoners, hospitality for refugees, shelter for the unhoused, comfort for those who have experienced religious trauma, etc But honestly, it is the climate crisis that will exacerbate and problematize all... Read more

September 11, 2021

Things I totally don’t believe and I think are harmful and corruptions of the Christian faith: 1. Total depravity, the idea that we’re all just awful and that’s why we need God to save us. 2. That we are all constantly at risk of going to hell because of some thing we do or believe or doubt. 3. You get saved by accepting Jesus as your personal savior. 4. There is an “order of creation” ordained by God that establishes... Read more

September 11, 2021

Habits are hard to break. Perhaps one of the bigger concerns church leaders have right now revolve around the new habits we were forced into that will now remain. In our efforts to stem the spread of the virus, we have habituated our entire churches to a new practice… not attending church on Sunday morning. By and large our people, at least those of us in churches who have been following CDC guidelines, are not coming to church. And although... Read more

August 22, 2021

In the last couple of weeks at our outdoor worship, we’ve asked, “What is your big question?” More than once, the question from the younger children has been, “Who made God?” Now, this is a great question. It’s a question that people have asked for a very long time, especially children because they’re honest and questioning. One famous answer comes from Ludwig Feuerbach, who said, “God did not, as the Bible says, make humans in God’s image; on the contrary... Read more

August 16, 2021

For some time now, all official updates on climate change have been dire. Many are calling the new report from the Sixth Assessment of the IPCC “the final alarm bell.” The #IPCC #ClimateReport is the final alarm bell. Scientists are ‘yelling from the rooftops’. Here’s our analysis of what’s still possible if we all take decisive action in a narrowing window of opportunity w/ @MichaelEMann on #OutrageAndOptimism Now @ https://t.co/O3d2Yr0wK3 pic.twitter.com/7IZBJJxNHw — Christiana Figueres (@CFigueres) August 10, 2021 The United... Read more

August 3, 2021

For quite a while now, Richard Rohr’s notion of the Universal Christ has not sat well with me. A while back I started to listen to the book on audio, and it just kept ringing notes I consider false. I have hesitated to say this publicly because so many people I know love reading Richard Rohr, but the thing is: he’s one of these writers who is close enough to seeming right that he is dangerous, but what he is really... Read more

July 29, 2021

I just spent my entire morning in conversation with inquirers. Although we always have new people arriving at GSLC, this summer season has been especially full of phone calls or text messages that basically go like this: “I’m having this spiritual experience, and my [friend or relative] said I should check out your social media feed and worship live-stream. Can we meet? I’m new to all of this and I don’t even know where to start!” Bottom line, inquirers are... Read more

July 22, 2021

Two weeks ago our church hosted Queer Camp. This was the first camp of its kind in Arkansas, or in the South. Ninety LGBTQIA youth in attendance, some traveling in from across the state, staffed by dozens of queer adults and parents of queer youth from Northwest Arkansas. Before you read the rest of this blog, I encourage you to listen to two NPR installments that introduce the camp in the voice of volunteers and campers. This national spot on... Read more

July 16, 2021

Last night as one local county official walked into the courthouse for their monthly meeting, they asked me, “Do you know Jesus?” I responded. “Yes.” He asked, “Personally?” Then turned around and walked into the building, with an armed escort by his side. Now, admittedly, I was standing next to him speaking very loudly and calling on him to do better. He and his crew have been obstructing the distribution of funds from the Cares act, and are currently also... Read more

July 1, 2021

This story necessarily starts at the harbor master’s office and a conversation with Lady J. It’s still early on this Sunday morning, and we are down on the pier. Lady J, the assistant harbor master, is giving a review of the responsibilities, the vocation if you will, of the Camden harbor master–maintain the moorings, ensure safety, repair the docks, rent out the anchors, ensure all ground tackle is in working order, measure the spaces between the moorings. Toward the end... Read more

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