91 years old and terminally ill, he knits hats all day for the homeless

91 years old and terminally ill, he knits hats all day for the homeless January 8, 2017

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Morrie Boogaart is 91 years old, in hospice and terminally ill with cancer. But that doesn’t stop him from serving others. All day long from the time he wakes until the time he goes to sleep, he knits hats for the homeless. He is able to knit only one hat every two days as his pace has slowed down over the years, but if you are to ask him what he wants, he will always say, “Yarn.” He has knit over 8000 hats since he started this knitting project. Morrie says he’s grateful for his life and driven to keep serving others with the capacity he has left. “Learning to knit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.”

All Clippity Clip can say is wow – what an remarkable, hardworking, generous and humble gentleman you are Morrie Boogaart!

Click below to watch a short video about Morrie the Hat Man and how he spends his days.

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