These bright faces show the joy of being adopted from foster care

These bright faces show the joy of being adopted from foster care April 30, 2016

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We here at Clippity Clip love adoption stories.  It’s such an ultimate act of service, commitment, love and grace for families to extend their generous hands to take in a child and grow them up.  Together We Rise is a nonprofit that helps foster children and also shares the photographs of adopted children to the world.  It is heartening to see the bright faces of foster children captured on their day of adoption.


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“With so much negative news surrounding foster care we just want highlight the positive with amazing adoptions that are happening every day,” TWR Executive Director, Gianna Dahlia, told The Huffington Post.

“There are many negative stereotypes surrounding kids in foster care but they are just children who want loving families and there are families out there fighting for them,” she added. “We just want to inspire those families either going the process or considering the adoption process that it can be done and it is worth it.”

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Inspirational, right?

Go adoptive families – you got this!  See more photos and read more here!

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