The Kindness Challenge…do it with us!

The Kindness Challenge…do it with us! January 14, 2017

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My friend Shaunti Feldhahn has written a special book called The Kindness Challenge. She’s an author and social researcher and spends her days figuring out ways we can better our marriages and our relationships. She’s a true expert and has written multiple books about the subject. I think we could all use some more doses of kindness as there is never too much!

Studies have proven that kindness has the most impact on transforming relationships. Studies unfortunately also show, we aren’t as kind as we think we are!

Do you want to improve any of your relationships? If you’re like most of us, there are some relationships in our lives that could use a little bit of nurturing! Why not take the kindness challenge and be proactive about making things better?! Kindness does have amazing magical powers and Shaunti says “you’ll be amazed at how intentional kindness transforms your relationships, impacts those around you and changes you.”

Choose one target person you want to focus on (studies show that if you do this, you have an 89% chance that your relationship will improve with this person by the end of this challenge – those are some great odds):

  1. Say nothing negative about that person – either to them or about them to anyone else.

  2. Each day find one positive thing you can praise or affirm about that person and tell them and tell someone else.

  3. Each day, do one small act of kindness or generosity for them.

Click here and you can join Clippity Clip in participating in this challenge. It’ll be fun and a great way to start the New Year! It launches Monday, January 16th, so you should sign up now!

Clippity Clip just loves kindness (as well as fun…and cuteness)!

(PS – If you want to buy Shaunti’s book and read more about kindness, click here.)

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