Becoming a “Faith Partner” at Habitat for Humanity

Becoming a “Faith Partner” at Habitat for Humanity July 18, 2023

It’s truly incredible how much people can accomplish when they work together on a project. Habitat for Humanity focuses on building homes so families can have security, independence and stability in their future. This non-profit is designed to work off volunteers, who come together to complete building projects. 

There are many ways to partner with Habitat for Humanity, and construction is just one of them. Want to become a faith partner with this organization? Here’s everything you need to know to get started and make a difference for low-income families. 

What Does It Mean to Be a “Faith Partner”?

The word “faith” means to have a strong belief in something. A faith partner is someone whose personal convictions encourage them to come alongside an organization and partner with their work. Habitat for Humanity welcomes people of all faiths to join their mission and help bring housing to families in need. 

Faith partners put their boots on the ground and physically work toward relief for the problems they see in the world. They see that something is wrong, believe it can be better, and take action to turn their imagination into reality. We often use the word “faith” to describe the act of believing something, but it’s more than that. 

James 2:15-17 in the Bible says this:

“Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

Faith partners do more than just empathize with families in need. They act on their emotions of compassion and concern and do something concrete to help others. For faith partners, belief and action go hand-in-hand. There are many ways to take action and become an active faith partner with Habitat for Humanity. 

5 Ways to Support Habitat for Humanity 

Many people join Habitat for Humanity as volunteer construction workers, helping to physically erect homes for the needy. However, there are many ways to support this organization and come alongside their mission. Here are five different ways you can get involved and help bring housing and hope to needy families. 

1. Pray for Habitat

Habitat for Humanity is a faith-based, non-profit organization, and they consider prayer partners more important than any other kind of support. If you’re a person of faith and want a concrete way to support this organization, you can start by praying for their mission and teams. Here’s a quick list of practical things you can pray for:

  • Plenty of willing volunteers
  • Wisdom for leadership 
  • Expansion opportunities
  • Connection with families in need
  • Financial provision to cover projects
  • Good weather during construction

If you’re on a construction team or know of one in your area, you can pray for that team specifically. Prayer is not passive – it’s an active response to a need you see. 

2. Volunteer in Construction

As a volunteer-based non-profit, Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers they can put on the ground. Their construction projects don’t require any previous experience, although professionals are very welcome. Once you join a team, you’ll be trained for any building tasks you need to do. 

Safety is a top priority for volunteers who join construction teams. If you join a construction project during the summer, it’s important to wear protective clothing and take breaks to prevent heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Drinking plenty of water will help you be more effective and stay safe throughout the project. 

3. Visit a Restore

Habitat for Humanity is partially supported by their line of second-hand stores, known as Restores. You can find gently used household items, clothing, home improvement goods and more at these locations. Consider supporting your local Restore as part of joining Habitat for Humanity’s mission. 

If you have gently used items you’re ready to let go, donate them to your local Restore. You can also plan a group shopping trip to your location or set a goal to only shop second-hand for a month. Another option is to volunteer – either individually or as a group – at a Restore near you! 

4. Host a Fundraiser

There are so many ways to get your community involved and raise funds for a good cause. You could host a giving day at your local church, set up a talent show, organize a bazaar, plan a 5-K – the ideas are endless. The key is to set a specific fundraising goal and get other people involved. 

Fundraising is hard work, but it can be very effective and rewarding. It’s a good way to share your passions with the people you love, and gives them an opportunity to come alongside you on a project you care about. It’s amazing how much money you can raise if 500 people each donate the cost of a cup of coffee.  

5. Support a Team

If you have a group of friends who are all invested in Habitat for Humanity’s mission, consider volunteering together. You can sponsor a build project together or even take a road trip to another city to help finish a construction project. 

Another way to support Habitat for Humanity is by donating your time and energy to teams that are already volunteering. You can make meals for construction volunteers, prepare welcome baskets for families or volunteer at a Habitat for Humanity administrative office. There are many valuable ways to get involved with this non-profit and help make the world a little safer for families. 

Partner With Habitat for Humanity

Are you ready to become a faith partner with Habitat for Humanity? There are so many ways to get involved and make a difference with this non-profit. Use the list above to get started and watch how your personal convictions can have a measurable impact on the lives of others. 

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