Poetic, Prophetic Truth-telling with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Poetic, Prophetic Truth-telling with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson October 2, 2018

Well friends, I’ve got a TREAT for you today. Oftentimes, learning to color outside the lines means learning to pay attention to every voice, including voices that have been marginalized and silenced. I am delighted for you to catch a glimpse of the poetic, prophetic words of my friend Natasha Sistrunk Robinson and her new book, A Sojourner’s Truth. It’s part memoir, part theology, and ALL truth every single one of us needs to hear. Check it out! 


Natasha Sistrunk Robinson / A Sojourner’s Truth

Tell us a bit about yourself, will you? I’m Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, a black girl from Orangeburg, SC. Growing up in the south, I was shaped by a strong black community that encouraged excellence, hard work, and stressed the importance of education.

This led to my attending the United States Naval Academy where I grew as a leader and affirmed my personal relationship with Jesus. Upon graduation, I served six years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. I met and married my husband, who was also a Marine, and we had our daughter during this time. Working in the Office of Admissions at the Naval Academy, also allowed me to begin my professional work in diversity outreach and coaching.

I continued my public service at the Department of Homeland Security until God led me to start writing as a ministry, and to attend seminary and graduate from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

I’ve spent the majority of my adult life teaching the Bible, leading and building teams, mentoring, and making disciples of Jesus. Today, I continue that work through publishing books and Bible studies, and leading my nonprofit, Leadership LINKS, Inc.

Let’s talk about your book: what, in a nutshell, is your book about anyway? My new book, A Sojourner’s Truth: Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World, is about three narratives: my personal life, leadership, and faith journey; the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus narrative; and the story of black people in America.

It is a book about identity, truth-telling, living unafraid, and gaining a deeper sense of purpose in God’s kingdom.

Do tell, what was the inspiration behind it? In an American culture that is not intent on truth-telling or valuing the lives and of women or people of color, I was inspired to give an honest picture of my life of an African American woman. I wanted to write a book that was centered on the voices, stories, history, culture, and triumphs of black people.

I think it is important that we hear more stories like these from people of color. I also believe it important for men, especially those in the dominate people group, to read and learn from stories like these.

Natasha Robinson / Natasha Robinson

How do you hope readers will be changed by your words? My hope is that all readers will be spiritually transformed and will see Jesus at work to redeem all of his creation and the people he calls his own.

I hope that people of color and those who love Jesus and justice will gain a sense of healing and inspiration from these words.

I hope that people who identify as white will have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a willingness to learn from the experiences that are shared in the book.

Lest we forget to ask, how have YOU been changed by writing the book? Writing the book has been a spiritually transformative me, as I hope it will be for those who read it. As I reflected on the Lord’s hand at work in my life, I affirmed what I know is true about scripture: God is close to the broken-hearted. He cares about the things that concern us, and he will answer our prayers. God’s redemptive plan is at work, and I have been invited to be a part of it. This world is not my home, and one day God will make all things right, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

How and where can we find you on the internet?

Website: www.natashaSrobinson.com

A Sista’s JourneyBlog: www.asistasjourney.com

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Subscribe to A Sojourner’s Truthpodcast: www.natashasrobinson.com/a-sojourners-truth-podcast/

You’re catching a glimpse of Natasha’s heart here, and friends, it only gets better. Her book is FIRE. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to your favorite bookseller today and grab a copy of A Sojourner’s Truth; otherwise, leave a comment on this post, telling the author why you’d love to read her words, and don’t forget to visit Instagram later this week. Contest ends Friday, October 5th. Good luck! 

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