Emerging Light; the astrology of Imbolc

Emerging Light; the astrology of Imbolc January 30, 2024

It’s almost Imbolc and here in the northern hemisphere, the days are slowly lengthening and the light is beginning to return. The astrology of Imbolc is the idealism and vision of Aquarius. Imbolc falls halfway through the Sun’s journey through Aquarius. We find a sense of clarity and an ability to open up. We stretch mind and body, letting go of the sometimes stifling energy of winter. Aquarius is clear cold skies full of stars, the purity of a landscape covered in snow and ice. We can imagine standing on a mountain or a high hill, seeing the land curve away below us, gaining a sense of perspective as we stand above and reach beyond our everyday concerns.

Snowdrops flowering against bare earth reflect the astrology of Imbolc

Aquarian goddesses

Aquarius is co-ruled by two planets, with Saturn as the traditional ruler and Uranus as the modern. Uranus is the great awakener, mirrored in the awakening of the land at this time. The dynamic between these two great planetary energies describes the mythology of the season. Saturn is the Cailleach, the powerful crone goddess of winter who brings the cold and the frost, still powerful at Imbolc. And Uranus is the process of awakening, of breaking out of the frozen energies of winter to make space for new growth and understanding. At Imbolc we pay attention to the lightning flash of Uranian intuition, the deep inner knowing that shows us the path ahead or at least the first steps along it.

Aquarius energy honors independence and self reliance, It can be associated with virgin goddesses, in the ancient sense of a woman unique and self contained. Athena, Isis, Minerva, and Aphrodite have all been associated with this sign, carrying the potential for fertility as well as staying true to themselves. Aquarius energy is also sometimes associated with the Fates. These weavers of reality remind us that our personal journey is woven into a much greater whole, just as Aquarius does.

The water bearer

Aquarius brings energy from the unconscious and makes it conscious, just as our new vision emerges at Imbolc. We begin to make plans to manifest all the inner growth and change of the winter season in our outer reality. The jug or urn of Aquarius contains and observes feelings, as well as bringing an association with fertility. Aquarius resonates with the emergence of new life at Imbolc, the beginning of a new phase of growth. The ancient symbol of the urn is associated with the Sumerian goddess Gula, the goddess of healing and childbirth. Egyptian Nut is the star goddess who poured the Milky Way from her breasts and the waters of life from her womb to bring humanity into being. The urn of Aquarius is also the cauldron of Cerridwen. It symbolizes not just personal transformation but the ability to use that transformation in service of a greater good.

Fountain with woman pouring water describing the astrology of Imbolc

Here are some magical practices that bring the astrology of the season to your Imbolc celebrations.

Cloud divination

We’ve all gazed at the sky and found shapes in the clouds and it’s easy to extend this and make it a divination practice. As with any divination, start by framing a clear but open question. Make sure it’s focused enough to give you the answer you need, without being so complicated it’s too difficult to hold in mind. To perform your divination, find a place with a clear view of the sky. This might be a hilltop close to home or simply the view from an upstairs window. Gaze at the sky and allow your attention to rest on it gently, at the same time as bringing your attention to your breath. As you breathe in, know that you are taking in the air around you. As you breathe out, offer your energy in exchange with the sky before you.

When you feel ready, ask your question clearly, ideally out loud. Allow your eyes and your mind to rest on the sky before you and let yourself settle. Don’t be in a rush to “see” the answer, instead engage with your intuition and your feelings. You may see visible images in the clouds or you may see them in your mind. Either way, allow yourself plenty of time to receive your message. When you’ve finished, write about the experience in your journal and perhaps eat a little food to ground yourself.

And if you want to geek out and learn the official names of the different clouds, there’s a handy guide here. I’m a big fan of grounding our spiritual practice in what we are seeing, and in different ways to see it.

Star meditation

Observing the stars opens us up to an awareness of patterns and the wider web of life. It can remind us of our place in the cosmos. Spend some time simply observing, watching the stars as they wheel through the heavens. The patterns shift and change from our perspective as the earth turns beneath us. You could also pick one star to make a focus for your meditation. This might be a particularly bright star or one that you spot regularly. Visualize the light of the star in its long journey to reach Earth. As you feel the bright white light bathing you in pure, clear energy, offer the energy of your breath in exchange. Know that you too are made of star stuff, we are all part of the same universe.




About StarLys
StarLys is an astrologer, pagan and tarot reader based in London, England. Qualified as a professional astrologer with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, she now teaches and serves as Director of Studies on the Faculty's world-renowned Diploma course. Having followed a pagan path since her teens, these days she mostly identifies as a Druid. The wheel of the year and the cycles of the planets are her touchstones, along with the nature she explores close to her home. You can read more about the author here.

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