February 6, 2013

A young personal perspective: I must admit, in the early stages of my religion (deen), I was trying to convince everyone to believe like me! Co-workers, family, and friends. Then time passes, and I began more in-depth studies on its History makers, events and our Creator’s Merciful Speech. Also enrolling in school for a Bachelor of Science in Business, was a game changer. I joined a nonprofit foundation, whose mission is “Teaching Life Skills, to Replace Social Ills.”  Where here... Read more

January 30, 2013

The beginning of 2013 is a new paradigm for truth, and one’s potential to rise. Soxial Justice is fighting against issues that could inhibit our growth. We must challenge, prepare and position our spirituality to bare those moments of discomfort. Studying your faith is necessary for strength, wisdom and navigation around fears and worries. Watching Spider-Man, it is always reminds us; “With Great Power, Comes a Greater Responsibility” or “Action without Knowledge is No Action, and Action without Knowledge is... Read more

January 24, 2013

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work. The New World Order is now active and where are you at? This is no conspiracy theory comment, just stating a fact. We are upon a new age of politics, social justice, the use of technology and gender relationships. A much different time period, than 30 years ago.  Generation X are now leaders, facilitating and shaping policies for change. We are upon obtaining human rights, for our... Read more

January 23, 2013

“Words shape minds, and Minds make Men” a quote once heard, remembered and we use here often. What inspires a person’s wisdom? Is it their experience, is it their circumstances or theology or is it just one’s desire to make a lasting impression on people. Can it be “sincerity”? The humility of a man or a woman, whose studies have shaped their emotional intelligence. Humbly they are just conveying a message, not intending to be profound, but are only seeking... Read more

January 17, 2013

We live in an age, where our foods have a short shelf life. Meats, breads, and fruits are all trucked in over, time and distance and it’s expiration date is priority. Our consumption of fast foods is slowly killing us with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and more. Are you ready to save your life? “Eat Right to Think Right” is food program in Los Angeles, and it is a simple reminder for healthy consumption and good mental health.... Read more

January 10, 2013

Happy New Year, and thank you for supporting and visiting Create-A-Voice’s weekly blog-ver-sa-tions, we appreciate you. As a New Media Blogger, we are constantly creating and building new relationships, in order to make the work we do much lighter and more efficient for your edutainment. In order to grasp this talk, let’s consider your line of work. Most jobs and/or careers rely on teamwork. Teams are human relationships of understanding for achieving goals. Without these relationships, the work would be... Read more

January 2, 2013

#thePassenger rides again I have traveled to and from many locations, and have passed by Los Angeles best sites and landmarks. Between stops I tend to reflect on life’s incidents, while staring out the metro’s looking glass. On these rides I witness many different types of people and situations. On this journey, I’m reflecting on conditions and people, the way we interact with one another. Not yet on the downtown train… I witnessed several incidents that would raise one’s eyebrow... Read more

December 26, 2012

Being Muslim, after growing up having traditional Christian values; does not mean I do not care or even feel other holiday seasons. In fact, some Muslims have developed a patience, having the ability to apply such meaningful emotions, and demarcate our intention and self – and still enjoy any day with respect and consideration. Since becoming Muslim in 1998, the holiday season has always been a true challenge of demarcation between belief, values and family traditions. On Tuesday December 25th... Read more

December 12, 2012

“Whether it’s our children or Not, we have a community problem among our Youth…” DOWNLOAD FLYER   Look around the community and observe our young people; then ask yourself, “How is my child’s behavior being observed, when I’m not present?”  Starting Monday December 17th through Friday December 21, 2012 is, “Come Closer to Your Teen Week.”  We have a viral problem spreading throughout urban communities. Our young adults have embraced a lifestyle, that’s producing negatives statistics and causalities. Social ills evolving... Read more

November 29, 2012

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work. Recently an organization concluded their two-part series on Community Organizing. Thanksgiving weekend during the Muslim American Society Conference, in Long Beach, California. For over 15 years, the #ILMfoundation is a provider of socialpreneurial programs. Established in 1998 for the Greater Los Angeles urban community. Founder Imam Saadiq Saafir has groomed and shared his vision with young men to become Social Preneurs.  The mission of this faith-based... Read more

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