November 28, 2012

Have you found a reason to embrace a loving relationship? Reflecting on love and its valuable tenets. Love seems to be an end result, a measurement of emotional progress for a person, place or thing. Where we develop an aspiring and sincere appreciation for another. Many try to begin new romances, on the stipulation of love alone. Note: I may lose my train of thought while trying to make a point, pls bare with me, thank you. I have been... Read more

November 21, 2012

These days, it seem the whole world is asking for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. Political Powers and Social Political groups, are exercising unjust protocols, over the  people they supposely speak for. Justice, a notion always referenced but lately it’s rarely felt, witnessed and/or issued across paradigms morally. The general public need a spokesman to define justice and how to apply it evenly for all classes. “Umar Ibn Al Khattab: Principles of Administartion” deal directly with justice. I pray this... Read more

November 15, 2012

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work. Stop, take a deep breathe through your mouth, “hold it!”…. now release it slowly through your nose, breathe again… Now Watch, Listen and Read.   Internalize what you just read. Watch it over again, if need be. Patience is key, it’s our door to answers. Ethics of a #Socialpreneur. God Willing, see you next week on Every Thursday. Follow me on Twitter, please share us and thank... Read more

November 14, 2012

You already know “what” you do and “how” you do it, but only a few know “why” they do it, (Simon Sinek). Knowing the quality of your intellect. A factor which motivate one’s willing abilities, passionately keeping an individual and/or an organization focused on the mission ahead. You picture, your authenticity becoming a tangible asset whether it’s an invention, expression or writing one of those classics songs to be. A geuine concept the people have never utilize, heard or even... Read more

November 8, 2012

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work.  America is a nation of “People Helping People.” A place where individuals give sincerely, for true causes. Donating their valuable time to assure goals worth believing in, are reached. The Volunteers of America are leaders; they help non-profit, community organizations, and neighbors achieve various important tasks. Volunteers contribute ideas, give effort and resources for critical moments; pulling their team through some tough situations. The Volunteers of America... Read more

November 7, 2012

Useful thoughts can go a long way… and it will rely on a strong effort to achieve your intention. We have provided a few related thought process definitions becoming tangible actions. i·de·anoun  /īˈdēə/ A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action: “the idea of linking pay to performance”. (2) A concept or mental impression. e·mo·tionnoun  /iˈmōSHən/ A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. (2) Any of the particular feelings... Read more

November 5, 2012

We break your regular blog-ver-sa-tion programming for this important message… Tomorrow, Tuesday November 6, 2012 is an important Day for America. The 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections, to decide who will lead and Rebuild the nation into a Place of Dignity for Americans.  Also vote responsibly on your Propositions that will affect the Future of your State. It is your choice? How will you decide #UseYourPower4Peace  We now return you to regular blog-ver-sa-tion programming….  Follow on Twitter and visit Create A Voice... Read more

October 10, 2012

How can one’s thinking and decision-making be insightful or leading, if his/her condition is tainted by pre-existing issues? Community relationships are suffering; because today’s power brokers, leaders and family heads all have inherited prejudices from previous generations. Subsequently, suppressing emerging leaders from practicing basic principles, for unity between community members. “When the Elephants war, the grass suffers” An African Proverb New leaders cannot move forward without an organized community. They are caught in between the social apprehension of clans, cliques... Read more

October 3, 2012

Is the blind and the one sees the same; or are the deaf and the hearing equals? Let’s contemplate thinking capacities under the existing social pressures and hardships. Under these circumstances, one’s environment could alter perception to some degree. A suppressed and oppressed mind are not the same, as having a stress free mind-state. A person, group or society who lives without stressful anxieties, may perceive context and information totally different. Just having a meek observation, one can compare the... Read more

September 26, 2012

As you move throughout your professional career and experience those memorable moments. You will learn the art of story telling, it will become a major component of your career. It is an Art form that has the ability to disturb, raise awareness, and/or motivate an audience’s involvement. Mastering this craft can elevate one’s leadership, by strengthening his/her rhetorical delivery. Also story telling can develop you as a better writer, subsequently, making you a foe and/or a friend who will be loved or feared by... Read more

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