December 18, 2013

Today’s guest post comes from Craig Case, one of an excellent class of students from Bethel Seminary who recently studied the intersection between faith, vocation and work. “Work is one of those things in our daily life ‘whose meaning is hidden in the mystery of their familiarity.”  -Miroslav Volf Theology or faith and work are becoming an intriguing and invigorating dialogue in many churches, universities, and seminaries.  My eyes were opened to the advancing scholarship and attention on this.  Seminaries like... Read more

December 11, 2013

For the next few Wednesdays enjoy guest posts from a wonderful group of Bethel Seminary students on the topic of faith and vocation. This week’s post comes from Marcia Schneider. Competent and Humble What is it that you are really good at doing?  Although those who know us the best may have a different list for us than we have for ourselves, we’re all competent at a variety of things.  Maybe you can turn a profit that makes your competitors envy,... Read more

December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving over and diving into Advent. Here is the tenth and last in a lovely list of ten lessons essential for every high school graduate preparing to venture out into the “real world.” While Elaine Bransford, the AP literature teacher who composed them did so for students, they carry applicability for us all. Number 10: You should understand that the relationship between happiness and fun is a complicated one. We seem to go through this American life expecting ease and entertainment, so much... Read more

November 21, 2013

Like numerous other religion and theology scholars, I’m preparing for the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature conference, which starts tomorrow. I won’t be there till Saturday (if you care), but am looking forward to a jam-packed couple of days of papers, meetings, and catching up with friends. There are several interesting Kierkegaard sessions this time (we are still celebrating his 200th birthday, after all). I’ll be presenting in the joint session with the Evangelical Studies group... Read more

November 20, 2013

After missing a week–can’t ignore the day job(s)–here is the ninth in a lovely list of ten lessons essential for every high school graduate preparing to venture out into the “real world.” While Elaine Bransford, the AP literature teacher who composed them did so for students, they carry applicability for us all. Number 9: You should understand that, in setting out to follow your heart, you better be sure it is really your heart you are listening to. To which I would add,... Read more

November 11, 2013

Today my mind is not on Veteran’s Day; rather, my heart is heavy for the many hard-working, team-playing, staff people here at Bethel University (including the Seminary) who will be informed that their jobs are  quickly coming to an end. This day represents yet another round of budget cuts and layoffs here in the land of Bethel. A month or so ago some faculty were informed that this will be their last year teaching at Bethel. Back then, a Bethel... Read more

November 6, 2013

My friend and colleague, Christian Collins Winn (Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Bethel University) shares the following “dispatch” from the World Council of Churches assembly.  We are now in the middle of the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, being held in Busan, South Korea, with the initial rush of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer diversity of linguistic, cultural and faith expression finally fading. This is my second Assembly—I attended the 8th Assembly in Harare—and I... Read more

November 6, 2013

Here is the eighth in a lovely list of ten lessons essential for every high school graduate preparing to venture out into the “real world.” While Elaine Bransford, the AP literature teacher who composed them did so for students, they carry applicability for us all. Number 8: You should take a cue from great literature and understand that there is one thing that remains as true today as it was 1000 years ago–pride goes before the fall. Make that more like 3000 years... Read more

November 5, 2013

Bullying is in the news again. This time it’s the adult version–and in the NFL, no less, where one would think that a football player would be impervious to bullying. Surely there’s no such thing as bullying a 300+ lb. lineman, right? At that point, isn’t it just pranking, or “boys being boys”? Isn’t it just a by-product of the machismo culture of pro male sports? Not so much. Jonathan Martin recently left his team, the Miami Dolphins, when the... Read more

October 30, 2013

Here is the seventh in a lovely list of ten lessons essential for every high school graduate preparing to venture out into the “real world.” While Elaine Bransford, the AP literature teacher who composed them did so for students, they carry applicability for us all. Number 7: You should understand that you don’t have to like a character in a book–or a person in real life for that matter–in order to learn something from him or her. One of the most important... Read more

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