Jon Stewart is the most influential man of 2010?

Jon Stewart is the most influential man of 2010? October 26, 2010

According to a survey in AskMen, yep. That might say more for the sorry state of America than anything else. Of course, it could just speak for the sorry state of AskMen readers. The fact that, of the top ten names I recognized, all flew far to the Left suggests a decidedly biased undertone. But then, I didn’t recognize them all, and didn’t care enough to read the others to get to President Obama, who wasn’t even in the top 20. I guess if I’m interested in who is influencing what in our country, I’ll pick other sources. But altogether, this is the type of keen insight I’ve come to expect from the Internet Generation. And AT&T; says the Internet makes us smarter. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!

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