One reason I still visit Catholic and Enjoying it

One reason I still visit Catholic and Enjoying it August 29, 2015

Is because of the phenomenal quality that several of the regular readers bring to discussions.  TMLutas still hangs out, bringing economic sense to discussions on the evils of Capitalism.  And in this little piece, in which Mark once again says ‘evil gun cult, we must do anything, if you disagree with my non-solutions then Gun Cult!’, several great commenters step in to bring sense, reality, and facts to the table.

Particularly compelling is Mike Flynn’s point that if you look at certain metropolitan areas in Canada and the US near the Canadian border, it’s amazing how the homicide rate fluctuates.  Sometimes, the rates in Canadian cities exceed their US counterparts.  It’s amazing.  We’re brainwashed by the media and the Left to think that the US is this giant homogeneous thing, where murders are everywhere, white cops are killing everyone, guns are everywhere killing everyone, and all you need to do to avoid this horror is step into any place in any other place in the world and it’s John Lennon songs and flowers in the hair.

Such might be Mark’s view, though his contribution to the debate is about as incoherent as they come.  It might be I’m just not clever enough to get his solutions, but when he increasingly raves about things outside of actual Catholic doctrine like gun control, it’s like some bizarre version of ‘You’re stupid about guns because Frankenstein never scared me!’  Huh?  That’s what I feel like reading Mark’s contributions, especially when set in juxtaposition to Mike’s, Pete the Greek’s, and Stu’s contributions to the subject.

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